They're stealing your style! Or more likely, borrowing it until next year.
I've been torn between muttering about lining my hat with tinfoil so the designers won't read my mind anymore, and clapping my hands and squealing with glee.
I just got that Newport News catalogue and was staring at that very coat, thinking, "My God, Jilli needs that SO BAD."
Heh. I actually got that coat, and then returned it. It was very, very nice, but didn't *quite* work with my full skirts, and the shoulders were just a touch too big for me. Otherwise, a gorgeous coat.
Thank you, guys. These are WONDERFUL.
Straight legs are your friends
Yes. As are plain-fronts. Pleats are evil on just about everyone.
I'm pretty good at finding pants that work. I need stretch material for them to fit right because of the no waist issue (my measurements are waist).
Shirts I have a hard time with and jackets are impossible. I always look boxy. Because I shied away from fitted. I shall try fitted stuff now.
What To Wear: Bitches Edition
One thing confuses me: why does the fitted waist fit over the pooch?
One thing confuses me: why does the fitted waist fit over the pooch?
Because, if your belly is shaped at all like mine, it starts to curve outwards
just below
where your
waistline is. Not the waistline located where the fashion industry has been trying to trick us about, which is anywhere from 3 to 6 inches lower than the natural waistline.
Straight legs are your friends
Yes. As are plain-fronts. Pleats are evil on just about everyone.
So very true.
One thing confuses me: why does the fitted waist fit over the pooch?
Anything cut for a specific size should allow some room for the fitted factor, I think. And it really does create the illusion that you're tapered, too.
Also, the tapering is at the side, and especially on shirts and jackets, the front is flat panelled. As bellies are usually all sticky out in the front, the shape hides that and accentuates the shape at the side, where the waist should be.
I have to be the voice of dissent on the straight-leg jeans. I have a significant buddha belly, and straight-leg jeans look like death on me. Because they *appear* to get skinner toward the ankle, making the hip/waist/buddha area look even BIGGER. Sort of like an inverted triangle.
Perfect jeans: low-rise (but not so low my undies hang out) boot-cut, with a bit of stretch.
Boot-cut = ideal. Not as exaggerated as a flare, but wide enough that they make the thigh/hip/waist area look trimmer.
What looks good when you have a lump in the middle but are NOT pregnant?
Also, A-line dresses/skirts.
Steph is right on the A-lines. I can't speak to pants, as I wear pretty much exclusively drawstring pj bottoms.
Natural sodas are nice and all, but lack the artificial flavor zing I require in my pop.