Kristin has back-tracked a little, as well.
She's now reporting the same information found in le nubian's Yahoo article:
You may have seen my earlier report that Veronica Mars has been canceled.
Well, let me just say that though I heard this heart-wrenching info from six--yes, six--reliable sources on both the network and studio side...apparently that news may have been somewhat misguided. See, although this "cancellation" rumor ran rampant around all sectors of Hollywood today, it turns out the picture is more complex than a straight canceled-or-not-canceled scenario.
At this hour, here's what I can tell you:
I just heard from Veronica mastermind and showrunner Rob Thomas, who tells me, "If we're cancelled, I certainly don't know about it."
And according to CW insiders, the CW has not officially canceled Veronica Mars. However, here's the catch: They are currently considering a different format for the fourth season. From what I hear, that format would leap four years into the future and focus on Veronica Mars as an FBI agent. Aside from returning star Kristen Bell (duh), the rest of the cast is yet to be determined, but it isn't likely that many of her current co-stars would be on board.
So bottom line: Veronica Mars could be: 1) spinning off into a new format, 2) returning in her college years or 3) getting canceled.
And let me just say, number 3 could be a very real possibility, so it is most definitely time to rally the troops before it's too late! If you care about Veronica Mars and want it to survive (and if you're a fan of good TV, I know you do!), please comment below with your name and message of support. And email your friends the link of this column so they can do the same. (I will forward your comments to the powers that be at the CW.)
She also has Dawn Ostroff's address up, and is trying to rally the troops for a postcard campaign. That part of me died a long time ago. I think the series still has a heck of a lot of potential, but I also always thought a lot of the potential was unrealized. I hate to see it leave the airwaves, entirely. I suspect the CW has the brains enough to not want to let go of the ridiculously talented Bell, and that's where the buzz surrounding this new FBI premise is coming from.
Meanwhile, the fandom resembles something Jack Bauer needs to disarm within the next 2 hours. Who are they working for?