There's just something about an East Coast super mom and an Oakland based Indian medical writer with an awesome friendship that I just adore. You guys should fight crime!
We do, but in deepest back channel, only. It's a covert ops, thing.
Why don't you just put the titles in Spoilers-Lite? That's part of its raison d'etre.
I think he found it out on his set visit, so it's an issue of whether or not Rob wants the title out there.
I'd forget one (or more). I love Daniel and WindSparrow too!
Hee. My blatant lovestumping worked.
I've been watching Season One again, and really enjoying it. I haven't finished Season Two and I have seen some of Season Three (I don't have the CW), but as some have said here, they don't feel quite the same.
I have been wondering about whether or not they went into the season knowing that Aaron was the killer, because I really didn't see it coming. I really thought it was Duncan, although I guess that was telegraphed way too much to be actually true. I almost think it might have been better for later seasons if it HAD been Duncan-- more of a conflict and less of Logan having perhaps everything bad in the world happen to him. Also, I would have liked to see more Logan/Aaron interaction.
That sucks.
But isn't surprising.
I now wish that they had done a 5 episode mini-arc rather than ending on 5 stand-a-lones. (I am assuming that they will be allowed to finish out the season.)
On the other hand, here is where the series might go in a 4th season
I kinda love that idea.
But, well, I may go with anything to keep my current favorite girl around.