Plz xcuse the clumsy typing. I'm using scott's blackberry as I seem to be allergic to my new chair at my pc desk. I'm not kidding. Something in thatv room is making me wheeze. We wiped the chair down with windex wipes and put it outside for a while, eĆrlier today.
Frak. How did I do that weird thing with the "A"?
I really think this is it so maybe I'm hand-waving so I can enjoy the end of the ride.
My problem is, the early, fierce-hot love leads me to very high expectations. And it seems too early for VM to be disappointing. At the same time, it makes sense -- the Lilly and Veronica's mom plots couldn't be dragged on forever.
I criticize, but I still look forward to it, and it's still better than 98% of what's on TV. I just wish they hadn't felt forced to make some of the changes in format they did.
isn't it rewriting? if you were a new viewer to the show and hadn't seen A Trip to the Dentist, you'd take Veronica's word for it. you wouldn't question the fact that Madison was a cold-hearted bitch who had drugged Veronica.
we're supposed to believe what Veronica believes and when she says Madison was the one who drugged her, i take issue with that since i do know the history.
Madison did drug her, because Madison handed her the drink. Now granted, Madison didn't mean to drug her, but I can see Veronica framing it that way when she's hurt and trying to make Logan bleed.
I think we're going to have to agree to disagree on this one. Madison is a cold-hearted bitch for spitting in a drink and handing it to Veronica and for writing SLUT on her car window and countless other things, but she did NOT willfully drug Veronica and having Veronica say she did just rubs me the wrong way.
Okay, I don't disagree with anything you said in your most recent post. I just don't think either the writers or Veronica have forgotten that Madison had no idea she was handing Veronica a drink with ghb in it. I think Veronica was intentionally distorting the truth because of the whole sexual jealousy problem. I don't think I'm supposed to like her doing that. I think I'm being shown just how firm a hold the green eyed monster has on her.
It bugged me much more that Logan apparently knew about Madison's (inadvertant) part in V being drugged.
It bugged me much more that Logan apparently knew about Madison's (inadvertant) part in V being drugged.
that was my initial problem and people have argued that it's not unrealistic to think that Veronica and Logan talked (HA!) about the night she was drugged and raped after Veronica figured it all out.
Well, you can't imagine that Veronica and Logan argued about it and she brought it up then?
I think the rage against Madison is displaced. I keep the hatred of Madison separate--she's a bitch and Veronica has a myriad of other reasons for despising her. But the fact that she placed the blame for her rape mostly on Madison's shoulders when she has snippy but cutely comedic conversation with Dick just about every episode rubs me the wrong way. She freezes up with disgust whenever she sees Madison--why not with Dick?
Dick spiked the drink. Dick egged Beaver on towards the rape and left him with an unconscious Veronica. The fact that she just accepts Dick as Logan's roommate without a lot of bitching or nagging, when she doesn't hesitate to voice her displeasure at Logan for other reasons seems ridiculous to me.
This is bothersome to me when I factor in the other story lines ("feminazis", sorority girls, sexually active girls=promiscuous, etc.) It all sort of smacks of misogyny to me.
Which, granted, is a severe accusation to lob at the writers but this is how I feel at the moment.