I dunno, between the Duncan and Beaver revelations I think it would have come out at some point to Logan about the roofies.
I just don't think it would have. YVMV.
[NAFDA] Spoiler Policy: Seasons 1-3 and the movie are fair game. Spoiler font two weeks for new content presented all at once (e.g. Season 4 on Hulu is fair game as of Aug. 9, 2019). New content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
I dunno, between the Duncan and Beaver revelations I think it would have come out at some point to Logan about the roofies.
I just don't think it would have. YVMV.
I dunno, between the Duncan and Beaver revelations I think it would have come out at some point to Logan about the roofies.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure she told him everything in that conversation in "A Trip To the Dentist". That was after she worked everything out re. the roofie chain and confronted Duncan. After she told him, Logan came clean about his role in it -- the brining of the GBH and doing shots from her body, and most importantly, drugging Duncan so that both V. and Duncan's judgments were impaired when they slept together.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure she told him everything in that conversation in "A Trip To the Dentist". That was after she worked everything out re. the roofie chain and confronted Duncan.
actually, no. she hadn't worked anything out at that point. she didn't find out that Madison was the one responsible for giving her the roofied drink until they went to Logan's and were surprised by everyone being there. that's when Meg told her not to drink the drink Madison had just given her and what Madison liked to do to people she didn't like.
we got to see everything between the two of them in the next scene where Logan confesses his part in it and she never once brings up what she had just learned and i really don't see the two of them rehashing things over the summer/during season two.
someone on lj just brought up a valid point that even if Logan had known that Madison was involved, there was no reason to think that she held Madison any more responsible than she did Duncan or Dick. the fact that she does blame Madison more than those two, especially Dick, just speaks volumes to me and what the writers are doing to kill my show.
actually, no. she hadn't worked anything out at that point.
You're right. The party came after the reveal about Ducan and V and L's conversation. But Veronica did tell Logan about it having been Duncan. And after the party, Logan told Veronica about drugging Duncan and how he was feeling responsible to what happened to her. Even though neither Logan and Veronica are heart-to-heart confession types, I thought they'd talk about it afterward, at least for Veronica to let Logan know how Duncan and V. came to be in the room, and that Logan wasn't the one who drugged her.
Anyway. That part didn't bother me. I'm entirely with you about the not-making-sense of V.'s rage against Madison while she seems to have no problem interacting casually with Dick though.
I rather liked this episode, minus the tiresome Veronica/Logan melodrama. The dialog felt natural, and the interactions between Keith and Veronica and Weevil and Veronica were lovely. I liked the return of the heavy VM voice-overs as well -- very season 1-ish. I didn't like that th roommate turned out to be the culprit though. So, a friend who wanted her to realize her dreams, have a career, and not get mired down in the traditional feminine role of settling down with a baby turned out to be fucked in the head enough to slip Bonnie a drug to make her miscarry? Yikes.
I like the episode, even the L/V melodrama, but I feel like the characters are not driving the show at all, and that used to be one of my favorite things about it.
I did not like the plot device with Veronica wanting Weevil to crush Madison's car. I'm glad they had her relent, but it didn't work for me, whereas her stalking Madison totally worked for me.
I do think Logan needs a boot in the ass with all the moping. Is this emotional maturation? Are the only two categories of responses either the stuff of smashing her headlights with a tire iron, or staying in his room, pouting, for days on end?
Are the only two categories of responses either the stuff of smashing her headlights with a tire iron, or staying in his room, pouting, for days on end?
I think one of the comments he made to Veronica's voicemail about him being surprised that someone still thought he had good in him(can't remember exactly what he said right now because i was too busy last night being angry with him for being emo!Logan yet again) was extremely telling about what he thinks of himself.
the fact that she does blame Madison more than those two, especially Dick, just speaks volumes to me and what the writers are doing to kill my show.
I think that if Logan had slept with Dick in Aspen, Veronica would have been just as upset and angry.
I think that if Logan had slept with Dick in Aspen, Veronica would have been just as upset and angry.
i'm not talking about blame for the current break-up. i'm talking about blame for her drugging and rape.
I don\'t think she blames Madison more than Dick. Last night, she was more angry about Madison because she slept with Logan.
are we watching the same show? in what way have we been shown this season that Veronica blames Dick at all for what happened to her? he was the most responsible for what happened because he's the one who broght the GHB to the party that subsequently ended up being given to Veronica and he's the one who pressured Beaver to rape her. she doesn't seem to have a problem whatsoever that he's Logan's new roomie.
Madison, on the other hand, didn't even have a clue that she was giving Veronica a drink that was drugged. she just intended to spit in her drink and silently gloat about the fact that she got one over on Veronica Mars.