Veronica should be afraid. she's not at all as badass as she'd like to believe and the fact that someone drugged and assaulted her proves that. she needs to learn when to ask for help and really, how hard would it be for her to ask Logan to keep her company on these late night treks across campus for random jobs. it's obvious he wouldn't mind and she was the one who was demanding just a few episodes ago that he wasn't spending enough time with her.
he's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't and i personally hope he's the one to drop her if it comes down to that.
I'm getting a little bit of a BtVS S6 vibe this season -- Veronica Learns the Hard Way That Life Is Not Simple! Or Easy! Or Black and White!
And I'm getting a serious BtVS S6 vibe off the reaction a lot of folks are having - poor-abused-woobie-Logan-why-is-Veronica-such-a-bitca-to-him vs. poor-bad-boy-chasing-Veronica-needs-to-get-a-clue-and-wash-
that-man-right-out-of-her-life. Yikes.
for the record, the way Veronica's been treating Logan isn't the only problem i have with her. she's been an equal opportunity bitch all season.
Man, I loved the Big Lebowski shout-out and the Patty Hearst casting, even if her acting left a lot to be desired. But yeah, I hated the "feminists are behind the rapes" thing and Veronica's freakin' self-righteous attitude.
I'm not EVEN going to start in on how angry I am that RT went that route. That's almost enough to get me to stop watching the show. That's some seriously weak-ass shit.
I...but he didn't go that route. Veronica is taking a guess, yes, and she is also explicitly saying how very counterproductive is, just like everyone has been saying all season. I don't understand why it's bad for fictional characters to do something
when it's clear the show doesn't condone it in the least.
she's been an equal opportunity bitch all season.
Someone on my flist linked this analysis, which I like.
Patty Hearst casting, even if her acting left a lot to be desired.
That's putting it lightly.
Sorry, P-C, I'm with Steph. The feminists have been badly written as castrating hateful bitches with vengeance the only thing on their minds from the beginning of the season, and to have the reveal be that they actually faked a bunch of the rapes, and themselves raped Chip Diller?
Nope. I don't like it. Not at all.
What Consuela and Steph said.
Someone on my flist linked this analysis, which I like.
I saw that at your lj. some good points, but it seems to focus on her treatment of Logan and not her treatment of every other person she's encountered this season. like i said, her treatment of him is only a small fraction of the problem i have with her.