I noticed. I was hoping Keith would stop by and smother him.
Whee! He'll need glasses, for the full effect.
I'm not sure that she's learned to be more trusting and forgiving, just that even when people you love do things that disgust you, they can still be the people who have your back. Doesn't have to be one or the other.
Yes. And I think what she needs to learn (whether she learned it or not is another thing, because a big characteristic of noir is the fatal flaw) is that even the people who love you can let you down, and when they do, you don't have to shit all over them.
I think her
to Keith's affair was over the top. I don't think her judgment (that it is wrong) was, and I'm not speaking from my own morality here (although that, too) but the morality we've seen on display in this 'verse. Similarly, I think her treatment of Logan (blackmailing him) was terrible, but I don't think her suspicion/lack of trust was terrible in this instance. If my husband (or, back when I had boyfriends, if a boyfriend) needed me to know his friend couldn't be guilty of a crime because they were together, but couldn't tell me where they were, it would hurt/offend/upset/something me, that he couldn't/wouldn't tell me where he'd been, and I'm not someone who keeps a tight leash.
Are we supposed to believe someone put the hair in her pasta on purpose? What was the plan if she didn't conveniently leave her drink on the table?
Actually, it makes sense this way: if the attack on Veronica was in retaliation for her outing Claire's lies, and/or in some way orchestrated by Nish to make good on her threat, it's plausible (to me) that Nish could have either (1) been friends with Food Court Worker and asked her to put a hair in Veronica's food, or even (2) if she didn't know Food Court Worker, she could have gambled on the assumption that people wouldn't know yet that she was fired as editor of the paper, and she could have told Food Court Worker that she was doing a story on health department food-cleanliness issues, blah blah blah, and needed help to create a scenario.
#1 is easier to believe, but #2 isn't outside the realm of (my) plausibility.
if the attack on Veronica was in retaliation for her outing Claire's lies, and/or in some way orchestrated by Nish to make good on her threat
Note: it could be orchestrated by Nish, but the person in the garage was not Nish. The skin was white.
if the attack on Veronica was in retaliation for her outing Claire's lies, and/or in some way orchestrated by Nish to make good on her threat
Note: it could be orchestrated by Nish, but the person in the garage was not Nish. The skin was white.
I just meant the not-angel-hair-hair-in-her-angel-hair. Nish could have orchestrated *that.* (Though it wouldn't guarantee that Veronica would leave her drink on the table, but you get my point.)
I never meant that the hair-shaver-in-the-garage was Nish. It could easily have been someone working with Nish.
If the hair in the food was planned, it was bad planning, because there's no guarantee that a) Veronica would even notice it, and b) that if she did, she wouldn't just pick it out.
I doubt we'll ever find out any more information about the fortuitous spiking of her drink. Even if Veronica was that trusting -- though she's made like two dozen enemies in the space of a semester -- it seems unlikely anyone could spike a drink in a crowded caf without being noticed.
Yeah. I thought it was weird that Veronica would just leave her drink sitting on the table like that. I'd never do that, and I think I've got far less reason to be paranoid than Veronica does. (Mostly, I think I'd be concerned about someone seeing a paper cup at an empty table and just throwing out the soda and taking the table.)
I've been catching up here before I even see the episodes (yeah, big surprise there). But given the reactions here, I expected a lot more bitchiness from Veronica in the Halloween episode. I haven't gotten to Keith and Harmony's relationship so I'm not completely sure of how I'll react to Veronica's reaction to it. But so far, nothing about her behavior has seemed that far out of whack to me.
Note: it could be orchestrated by Nish, but the person in the garage was not Nish. The skin was white.
I thought so too, but did we see enough skin to be sure? I just saw a second of the underside of a wrist, which is not the most pigment heavy part of anyone.
The hair-taker had on white-ish gloves (which could tie into Teppy's theory about a food service worker planting the hair, because they looked like opaque latex gloves).
I never meant that the hair-shaver-in-the-garage was Nish. It could easily have been someone working with Nish.
This is what I meant, too. And I also sort of meant Nish as shorthand for Claire/Whoever Else is in on any potential fakery, or feeling vengeful. I didn't mean Nish, herself, had to carry out the entire act, by herself.
If the hair in the food was planned, it was bad planning, because there's no guarantee that a) Veronica would even notice it, and b) that if she did, she wouldn't just pick it out.
True. I still think it's possible that the drugger just saw an opening to drug V, rather than set up the scenario with the hair in the food, because, as you say, who's to say she'd even notice the hair in the food?
That said, remembering the hair-taker was wearing a glove (that could have been a food-service glove) is making me doubt that, more and more.
I *think* there was a shaved-head woman sitting behind Veronica in the food court, after Veronica came back from replacing her meal. I think she was black. I have to go back and see. My kittens say she (or one of the other people at her table) actually dropped the drug in the drink.
Do you all think Veronica's head was partially shaved, or is it possible her hair was pulled out? Her scalp looked a little bloody in a couple of spots.
Oh, shit. Now I think it's Piz.
Why? (I'm just curious, since you posted it like it was an epiphany.)
I've changed my mind seventeen times since I wrote that, and right now, I'm fully back in IT'S-GOT-TO-BE-MOE mode, but I think I can list my reasons for suspecting Piz (when I do suspect him, which I don't, right now). To be clear, I do not think Piz drugged or shaved Veronica. I'm just talking about the rapes, here.
First of all, I had the same reaction (while watching) you did last night, Teppy, except I got over it, because Scott talked me out of it, and because at that time, I was thinking the drugger/hair taker was also the rapist. I don't think so, any longer.
Secondly, did Wallace
fail to mention to Piz that Veronica would be staying in their room? I suppose he could have, because he was in full-on study-freak-out-mode if Piz is telling the truth, but...I don't know. Piz could have returned because he knew Veronica was there. He's certainly tried to get Veronica alone, before.
Thirdly, Piz had not one bit of interest in Parker. Now, Parker is a pretty cute girl, and in most other scenes with Piz this season, he's been generally interested in pretty cute girls (bikini babes in their natural habitat, etc.), but Veronica might as well have told Piz that a park bench was interested in him, for all he cared.
Fourthly, at least one of last year's Hearst rapes did take place when visiting high school seniors were on campus. A visiting high school senior (Troy) was a suspect, back then.
Fifthly, if Mercer was on the air for all/most/some of the rapes, then who wasn't? Piz. That's who.
Sixthly, there was a drugged up girl in Piz's bed. Granted, it was Sully's girlfriend, and she was only drugged up with nighttime cold medicine, but it seems a little bit like visual foreshadowing to me.
Winners of the Who I know it's not award: Veronica, Wallace, Logan, Keith, Vinnie, Cliff, Weevil, Mercer, Mac.
Winner of the Who I doubt it is award: Dick, the Dean (they're not cleared, though)
Winner of the Who I suspect big time award: Moe, Landry
Winner of the Who I suspect medium time, and mostly because of the Ockham's reference, last night award: (continued...)