I'm in the they-both-acted-badly camp.And now I'm annoyed that this has become the main area of discussion for this ep. (I'm afraid to see what the conversation is like elseforum, where the Logan lovers and 'shippers are much more vocal)
I don't think this is so much a shipper thing, here. Amy and Teppy didn't see what was so horrible about Logan's actions. I thought they both were bad, but that V crossed more lines (which is a nice plot twist, because you expect Logan to screw up) and victor, Gris, etc., thought Logan was worse (I think). ita and sj seemed to fall somewhere in the middle.
That said, if you're annoyed that this has become the main discussion area for this episode, rather than chastising, why not throw something else on the table?
I know Weevil showed aptitude in his first stake out but WHY OH WHY did Keith put him on a child abuse case his very next night out??? Did Keith have plans and couldn't make the stake out? I can't remember the conversation they had in his office--I know he told Weevil to get some sleep but I don't recall him giving him a reason why Keith couldn't do it himself.
Or did the writers not even throw us that bone and had us simply believe that Keith would toss him in over his head like that? Or did they just need to get Weevil out of the tie and onto Hearst campus really quick?
I know Weevil showed aptitude in his first stake out but WHY OH WHY did Keith put him on a child abuse case his very next night out??? Did Keith have plans and couldn't make the stake out? I can't remember the conversation they had in his office--I know he told Weevil to get some sleep but I don't recall him giving him a reason why Keith couldn't do it himself.
I think he was picking something he thought Weevil could do, given his success with the first case.
Or did the writers not even throw us that bone and had us simply believe that Keith would toss him in over his head like that? Or did they just need to get Weevil out of the tie and onto Hearst campus really quick?
It does make you want to see more of Weevil and Keith fighting crime, doesn't it? I suspect Keith didn't think he was throwing Weevil in over his head, but I knew when I heard what the case was, exactly what Weevil would do. I did find Weevil's reaction totally believable though, and yeah, I think the writers want to get Weevil on campus with the other kids. I am glad for that. I love his interaction with both of them.
Sometimes, I daydream about him Mac hitting it off. I could never understand why he didn't ever have a girl friend (or various girls here and there) during the first two seasons.
sj seemed to fall somewhere in the middle.
Nope. I think Logan was definitely wrong, but I can totally see why Veronica did what she did. The only thing I don't understand about Veronica's actions is why she is dating an asshat in the first place.
I stand with sj on this, I think.
Cindy, my response didn't come out quite the way I intended, I think. I blame the two glasses of wine I had before posting it, and possibly my own silliness.
Anyway, I think I was responding to the statement "part of me faults Veronica for not realizing Logan wouldn't say that, if he were trying to be sneaky about another girl." I think my response started in one direction (Veronica has every right to be as stupid in the throes of love as everybody) and then turned on a dime when i realized what I was actually arguing was the idea that she didn't realize it.
I think she very much knew he was not cheating on her. Or at least, I don't think she went after him because she really suspected it. I think she was pissed at the general asshattedness of the phone call, and wanted to find out for sure what he was really doing, since he seemed reluctant to tell her.
I fault Veronica for breaking boundaries and tracking the phone instead of, say, giving him a call and asking what was going on (assuming she didn't try that, of course) or waiting until she could bitch at him for being a jerk some other time (like us mere mortals might do). And the car device was crazy-bad. But I don't think her powers of observation are really the right place to criticize her here.
The biggest worry to me is the fact that even when he was angry, and
rubbing in
the fact that he was a "bad boy" no matter what she did, he
lied to her about his plans, making them seem less "bad" by turning it into a surfing trip instead of a booze and strippers and possibly drugs (based on the time Logan went to Mexico and brought back GHB, which he never seemed to regret in any seriousness that I could see) trip. If he has to lie like that to keep them together, then something is wrong like a wrong thing.
Maybe I just think she should date me.
It does make you want to see more of Weevil and Keith fighting crime, doesn't it?
Yes, this. I suppose that the writers were busy enough with Veronica being a detective and Keith being a detective to make Weevil one, too. But I would have liked a chance to get bored with the storyline before they ended it.
Oh, and on non L/V subjects, can i just say that I REALLY liked the dean? Total asshat, but a very amusing total asshat! I hope we see a lot of him.
ita and sj seemed to fall somewhere in the middle.
My reaction to what he said is beside my point--I'm just putting out what seems to be the simplest reason he might have said it. All the motivations seem over-complex to me.
Oh, and on non L/V subjects, can i just say that I REALLY liked the dean? Total asshat, but a very amusing total asshat! I hope we see a lot of him.
He's no Clemmons.
But few are.
I do like that the very first time we see him, he threatens to expel Veronica. This should be fun.