Is the police report going to boomerang back on that and get messy and be our second mystery if we get one?
It smells like it, doesn't it?
I loved Wallace and Logan. I loved Veronica having to play nice with Dick and Dick talking about the alternate universe. I thought Veronica's dilemma (sp?) was rich. This episode was much more entertaining for me than the first.
Mac and Veronica have a great TV friendship, don't they? I'm so glad Tina Majorino was made a regular.
I thought Veronica's dilemma (sp?)
Mac and Veronica have a great TV friendship, don't they?
Yeah, I love that they're friends and not business partners now.
I want to know if Mac knows Beaver raped Veronica.
Or does he not know Keith was all up in that?
Well, he was following the pen from Vinnie, so I expect he must have had some clue who was providing a ride to Cormac.
On one hand, I doubt Veronica would have told Mac, because I don't think she ever told Mac about the rape in the first place. On the other hand, there are a million ways the topic could have come up in the aftermath of Beaver's death, and if Veronica thought the knowledge would somehow help Mac, rather than hurt her, I do think she'd tell her. The thing is, I can't figure out how/why learning this part of the story would anything other than make Mac feel worse.
I thought there was some real nice stuff with Mac and Parker in this episode. They had me waiting for the hug scenes and scenes before it happened, and it was a great touch, because knowing Mac, and only being able to imagine Parker's mindset right now, I had no reason to be positive the hug would come.
I think I feel about Mac the way a good chunk of Buffy fans felt about Willow. I mean that in a positive sense. Mac is so likable to me, and a pleasure to have on my screen, the way Wallace was the pause that refreshed, in season 1. I still love Wallace, but I feel like the writers lost touch with him a little in season 2. Fortunately, Percy is such a positive presence, that I'm still interested.
I am heartened by the fact that Wallace was both decent to the prisoners (like giving the sweat pants to Horshack) and smart enough to trick the abusive guy on his own team as well as the prisoners, and get the information out them, for the win. It was a nice touch to have Logan yell, "No!" just before the prisoners were tricked into losing. I like my Neptune kids smart.
Like I said before, when I was a reporter covering California's medical marijuana initiative, I was aware of some pretty big crops for personal use, mostly because so much of it ends up being unusable.
And no, you can't really get a prescription in most places in California. It's still a town to town political battlefield, and conservative counties like Orange County, Riverside and San Diego (those bordering the fictional Neptune) can be real sticklers, not to mention that the federal government has basically said that they don't give a damn, and that possession is still a crime. Seriously, I've seen people arrested and at least one person die trying to get access to medical marijuana after the law was passed. It's still a messy and ugly situation.
I finally watched the episode last night and read through the thread. I started watched VM last summer when they re-ran half the first season. Had it been these two episodes, I wouldn't have continued watching. So yeah, I think these episodes are underwhelming compared to prior seasons, and it just makes the nits easier to pick.
Speaking of nits, I was almost as bothered by the casual use of the stanford prison experiment as the jury in
One Angry Veronica--
and had almost the same reaction.
- That's dancing on the edge of legal, if not outright illegal, and the show isn't acknowledging it
- That's not even how it works/worked!
- The consequences of both are much more grave than the show acknowledges
Usually they're really good about that stuff, which is why in both episodes I found it annoying.