Duncan probably doesn't have chlamydia -- remember Veronica indignantly telling the doctor, "We were totally safe!"
What Cindy said. If Beaver had chlamydia and raped Veronica, and then Duncan did, mere hours later, there's a very good chance Duncan got it right from that.
I am 33, so I guess I am really closest to, say, kendall, Lamb and maybe Vinnie. Not a lot of thirysomethings on the show. But still-- 9 years younger than Keith, 15 years older than Logan an veronica.
I do have to say I was so happy to see Lilly, whom I adore and think is the sexiest of all, even if she did sleep with Aaron, which is rather yicky!
Yeah, but Duncan had drugged out sex with drugged out Veronica, on the same night Beaver raped her. I think she meant they were safe during their s2 relationship. I wouldn't trust that Duncan was safe the night of Shelly's party, since...erm...he thought he was doing his sister. Seems like maybe his judgment was a little off.
Yes. This. Sorry I wasn't clear enough in my original post, but this is what I was trying to say.
Enrico is 43, a year older than me (yikes!).
Huh. Jon, I totally pegged you at mid-30s.
I took one for the team and googled to find out what the chances of infection were from a single unprotected encounter with an infected person were, and they're (per the public health site I was looking at) about 50%, so, y'know, flip a coin.
So, if Duncan got it, then Meg probably had it. Could the baby catch it from her mother?
I've always thought that D/V was safe during the rape. There were condoms all around (thrown by Dick, of all people, for Cassidy's sake (notice the lack of "Beaver")) and I've always believed he used them. I'm not sure why, at the moment, but it's always seemed right.
Duncan probably doesn't have chlamydia -- remember Veronica indignantly telling the doctor, "We were totally safe!"Duncan probably doesn't have chlamydia -- remember Veronica indignantly telling the doctor, "We were totally safe!"
The thing about chlamydia is that safe sex doesn't protect against its transmission as well as it does other STDs. [edit: Oops. I may be confusing this with HPV.] That's one reason some groups are fighting distribution of a chlamydia vaccine--at the moment they believe that since condoms don't protect well against chlamydia people are less likely to engage in premarital sex. For the record, I don't buy this reasoning. Chlamydia is also rarely symptomatic in men, so unless Duncan and the Beav were tested for it, they probably wouldn't know that they have it.
I think that Keith was using "the clap" as a catch-all for STDs.
I was unable to watch the finale until last night. Wow. I thought KB did a fantastic job. And I think I liked Duncan more in his two minute scene than I did in the whole first season. The same goes for Jackie--I sat there going, "They finally give her depth and they're sending her to Brooklyn? How is that right?" Anyway, I was very glad to see Logan not shoot the Beav. I think it showed a certain amount of respect for Veronica's agency--if she hasn't the right to shoot him, Logan sure doesn't. I'm very glad that Keith didn't die. I went into the episode hoping that Keith and Mac would be alive at the end (I knew Veronica would be, and I wasn't that worried about Logan either). Aaron getting capped was just dark red frosting on the cake of noir.
Wasn't Cassidy the one who told Veronica (in Season 1) that Logan came back from Mexico early, which made her suspect Logan of Lilly's murder? At the time, it came off like he was the one nice guy out, but now I am wondering about his motives in doing that.