Veronica Mars: Annoy, Tiny Blonde One. Annoy Like the Wind.
[NAFDA] Spoiler Policy: Seasons 1-3 and the movie are fair game. Spoiler font two weeks for new content presented all at once (e.g. Season 4 on Hulu is fair game as of Aug. 9, 2019). New content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
Poor Weevil and his grandmother. Well, that's one cliffhanger.
What's going to happen with Keith and Kendall? That's another cliffhanger.
Does anyone meet or call Veronica at the airport? That's another cliffhanger.
Will Logan and Veronica last the summer? Yet another cliffhanger.
How will Dick react to Cassidy's death? That's another...nah. He'll just get high and play Halo.
Sending a text message to Mac when you know she's almost certainly WITH Beaver? DUMB AS SHIT.
Yes, this. I meant to post it, but it slipped my mind amongst the other stuff.
Especially dumb was following it up with unquestioningly meeting "Mac" on the roof. Hello? Why would Mac want to meet you on the roof of the hotel? I don't care who it is or why, if someone tells me to meet them on the roof of a tall building, especially when there's a murderer (two actually, counting Aaron) on the loose, I'm going to say "No." Possibly in more numerous and more colorful words.
Double. Jeopardy.
Aaron could go on Entertainment Tonight and scream "I killed Lilly Kane!" and the government couldn't touch him; he's been tried and acquitted. (A civil suit by the parental Kanes may yet be in the offering, but he's not going down on criminal charges.)
Betsy, couldn't he be tried for perjury? And if he perjured himself, couldn't they throw out the verdict?
Especially dumb was following it up with unquestioningly meeting "Mac" on the roof. Hello? Why would Mac want to meet you on the roof of the hotel? I don't care who it is or why, if someone tells me to meet them on the roof of a tall building, especially when there's a murderer (two actually, counting Aaron) on the loose, I'm going to say "No." Possibly in more numerous and more colorful words.
I don't think this part was as dumb. I think texting Mac was stupid, but once Veronica read Mac's text, she had to go to the roof for Mac's sake, in case it was Mac. Veronica knew Beaver had sex issues. She was convinced he was the killer. For all she knew, Mac had to flee to the roof to hide from him, or something.
Holy crap! Weidman! Duncan!
Best part of the episode.
I think, sadly, that finales bring out the Big Cheeseball Ham in RT and company, but dude, I fuckin' called it! Go team? Also, the actors brought their A games, and man, way to go, Duncan and CW!
Wow. I agree that Beaver broke me with the My name is Cassidy.
I now want to rewatch every single episode, to see how I react to him now. I also need to rewatch this ep 15 brazilian times.
Was I the only one who thought Logan was going to pull a Giles/Gunn, and follow up his "you're not a killer" with a "but I am" and shoot Cassidy?
Betsy, couldn't he be tried for perjury?
Yes, but it's highly unlikely they would.
And if he perjured himself, couldn't they throw out the verdict?
Was I the only one who thought Logan was going to pull a Giles/Gunn, and follow up his "you're not a killer" with a "but I am" and shoot Cassidy?
No, not at all. I was completely sure that's what would happen, and that he'd be starting all over again, from the bottom.
Yes, but it's highly unlikely they would.
Is it too hard to prove?
And if he perjured himself, couldn't they throw out the verdict?
Ah well, bastard's blood is all over the TV. That's trial enough.
Actually, now that I think about it, I'm not even sure they could charge him, when he was a defendant in a criminal case. As you said though, he's dead (OMG how cool was it to see CW, and I almost liked Duncan!), so it doesn't matter.
I did like Duncan. He finally did SOMETHING. Plus, baby Lilly? Cute. Not as cute as our Baby Lilly, but there are limits to what even the magic of television can do with baby-Lillies who aren't the Baby Lilly TickyBox.
I really thought Keith was dead. They totally sucked me in. I think I blame Kristen Bell. She so completely sold that Veronica believed it, I thought it had to be true. And I thought maybe with her going to college next year, they decided working for Daddy was too...I don't know... I'm just so glad Keith lives.
I know how an urge to watch all of vm 1st season and 2nd - straight through.
I expect V to do stupid things while chaseing a criminal.
It took me awhile to believe Beav was our mass murderer.
Though I wasn't crazy about the Jackie story - I liked the end . It explains a lot about her, even though I didn't love the character. But she better not be having another baby.
and I was crushed when Keith died, and really didn't want him dead. But while I had all that going on - I was thinking of how truely fuckedup this would leave Veronica.
Glad Aaron is dead.
not so sure I want Kendell to be rich, but if she is going to be around, it could get interesting.
a good dad would send Logan to ny with veronica.