Veronica Mars: Annoy, Tiny Blonde One. Annoy Like the Wind.
[NAFDA] Spoiler Policy: Seasons 1-3 and the movie are fair game. Spoiler font two weeks for new content presented all at once (e.g. Season 4 on Hulu is fair game as of Aug. 9, 2019). New content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
But it still doesn't explain why Meg's parents put up a reward to get Woody back.
Yeah, I don't get that. They just *really* cared about Lucky? C'mon...
That Buh was mostly for Kendall's request, and the whole not-knowing-what-it-is. But it's also a little for -- when did Logan and Veronica get to the kissing part?
Yes, to both of those, though this show DAMN WELL BETTER HAVE A SEASON THREE, where there will be plenty of time to get into the whole Kendall mystery (as well as her complex Fitzpatrick/Casablancas/Echolls long con issues)
Wait, OMG, didn't even think that Lamb could be dead! Surely not! Did he come out to the ranch with the plane? Or were they using Woody's plane to fly back with? How did Beaver rig the plane with explosives??
Also, Mac broke my heart. Did he just take all her clothes/the sheets/the towels while she was in the shower? Or did he also rape her? Cause, the cowering in a corner thing is very rape-victim, but when the fuck would he have had time??
Think Veronica will mention to anyone that Aaron copped to the murder in the elevator with the all seeing security camera?
Does the all seeing security camera have sound? (Does it matter, if Aaron is dead?)
The whole Beav-as-complete-sociopath thing is still freaking me out. I think I would've really preferred some of the scenarios people came up with here--him being not just fucked up, but completely fucking nutso, seemed a little out of the blue. Like, he hid that shit really damn well, for a damn long time, for being utterly psycho. Given all the hints, I wasn't surprised he did it, but the "completely psycho" part seemed...sudden.
Maybe knowing Veronica knew about the crash broke something in him -- he'd already failed with Mac sexually, so taking her clothes and humiliating her could have been a punishment.
Yeah, if you're a psychokiller (qu'est que c'est?) already...
Sally! I still wanna know what the fuck SALLY is about!!
Also slightly surprised that Veronica, when raped, wouldn't have gone to the doctor and been tested back then--I mean, sure, once she thought it was Duncan, we can see why she wouldn't, but...when she thought someone skanky and random did it? I'm surprised. (Also that means she had chlamydia for like, a year and a half! Eek!)
Am I the only one going "Well, really he can just catch the next plane to New York--c'mon, it's not that big a deal to change your flight, even these days!"?
tiggy, if you're still up, John Krazinski (sp? Jim/The Office) is going to be on Leno, any moment.
Real VM post to follow.
It's been two and a half hours since the episode ended, and I haven't moved from the couch, because I'm completely exhausted. I actually had a crying jag over Beaver, the malevolent, sociopathic, murdering, duplicitous little shit, because I do agree with Meara and several other people here and elsewhere that they went waaaaay overboad with teh Evil on Beaver, and despite that, I am still hung over on "my name is CASSIDY!" and how Logan couldn't give him a reason not to jump, and the look on his face just before he jumped. I'm sure if I went back and watched the season now, I'd be skeeved out by most of the Beaver scenes that struck me as adorable the first time around... but still. I think about whether the kid could have grown up bright and decent, if only he weren't born a Casabancas, if only he didn't fall into Woody's clutches, if only.
My stomach hurts.
But it still doesn't explain why Meg's parents put up a reward to get Woody back.
Yeah, I don't get that. They just *really* cared about Lucky? C'mon...
meara and AmyLiz, sorry to go all Bronzer on you with the bold, but I know the board is busy, and I've seen this question asked a few times, even after victor already explained. Woody was the (public) suspect for the bus crash. Meg died because of the bus crash. That's why Mr. Manning offered the bounty for capturing Woody.
Also, Mac broke my heart. Did he just take all her clothes/the sheets/the towels while she was in the shower? Or did he also rape her? Cause, the cowering in a corner thing is very rape-victim, but when the fuck would he have had time??
It did seem post-rapish, but I don't think he did, because he wouldn't have wanted to take the time. He texted V as soon as she texted Mac. She went right to the roof, and he was there. I think he was just trying to keep her from leaving the room.
Also, anyone else have a big laugh at Logan's "I didn't know you could come out in daylight" line to CC?
Like a drain.
Duncan: "CW?" Clarence : "it's a done deal."
HA! I had to read your post a few times tiggy, to get that.
Damn, I was hoping my spec was right. I knew Beaver did it, but I was hoping he didn't mean to, and that he ended up getting eviler as a reaction to knowing he was complicit in all those deaths. That was excellent, though. Just excellent. It was horrible, and yet it was all so right. Poor Cassidy. Poor Mac.
I'm glad, for the sake of the season 1 narrative, that Beaver raped Veronica. I saw complaints last Fall, about Veronica being involved with Duncan, even though he was her rapist. I couldn't consider Duncan a rapist, because he was drugged without his knowledge, every bit as much as Veronica. Still, the posts I read that Veronica had cried rape all of season 1, only to (essentially) prove Lamb right for not taking her complaint seriously, bothered me more as time passed. I never forgot about it, as this season went on, particularly while Duncan was still around.
I have never loved Duncan Kane and CW so much in my life. Go you, with your vengeful, Donutty self and your cute, fat baby. You should get checked for chlamydia, even though you and V were safe. Go you CW, and your cool ass initials, and deadly aim. Thanks for spattering his blood, so I know the bastard is dead.
There was some really sweet, tender L/V, tonight. It's too bad Rob feels like he can only give snippets, rather than any sort of arc, for that relationship. It robs it of some of its potential effectiveness, I think.
I was so brokenhearted that Keith was "dead" I didn't even think to yell that I'd never watch the show again.
I liked the end of the Jackie/Wallace story. I thought Jackie growing up and realizing she had to be with her baby resonated well, not only with the journey she's been on with Terrence, but also with Wallace's complaints that all those years, his father never found him.
I loved the dream and find it interesting that in it, Logan and Veronica were together. Very nice. It was so wonderful to see Lilly, too.
The episode was jam packed. I am pleased with all of the resolutions, and so glad I didn't guess it all, but that there were enough clues that Beaver definitely was no asspull.
I was in some ways, I wasn't thrilled with the episode as an episode--that is, as an hour of TV. It was choppy, particularly the first half. It felt like there was not so much build, and more like they were checking items off a to-do list. So many moments were rushed. We didn't even see Logan get his diploma. I kept trying to figure what they could have squeezed out of the earlier episodes this season, so that this could have been told in two parts, without frelling up the last few episodes (which since about 2.18 or so, I've thought ruled).
Poor Weevil and his grandmother. Well, that's one cliffhanger.
What's going to happen with Keith and Kendall? That's another cliffhanger.
Does anyone meet or call Veronica at the airport? That's another cliffhanger.
Will Logan and Veronica last the summer? Yet another cliffhanger.
How will Dick react to Cassidy's death? That's another...nah. He'll just get high and play Halo.
Sending a text message to Mac when you know she's almost certainly WITH Beaver? DUMB AS SHIT.
Yes, this. I meant to post it, but it slipped my mind amongst the other stuff.
Especially dumb was following it up with unquestioningly meeting "Mac" on the roof. Hello? Why would Mac want to meet you on the roof of the hotel? I don't care who it is or why, if someone tells me to meet them on the roof of a tall building, especially when there's a murderer (two actually, counting Aaron) on the loose, I'm going to say "No." Possibly in more numerous and more colorful words.
Double. Jeopardy.
Aaron could go on Entertainment Tonight and scream "I killed Lilly Kane!" and the government couldn't touch him; he's been tried and acquitted. (A civil suit by the parental Kanes may yet be in the offering, but he's not going down on criminal charges.)
Betsy, couldn't he be tried for perjury? And if he perjured himself, couldn't they throw out the verdict?
Especially dumb was following it up with unquestioningly meeting "Mac" on the roof. Hello? Why would Mac want to meet you on the roof of the hotel? I don't care who it is or why, if someone tells me to meet them on the roof of a tall building, especially when there's a murderer (two actually, counting Aaron) on the loose, I'm going to say "No." Possibly in more numerous and more colorful words.
I don't think this part was as dumb. I think texting Mac was stupid, but once Veronica read Mac's text, she had to go to the roof for Mac's sake, in case it was Mac. Veronica knew Beaver had sex issues. She was convinced he was the killer. For all she knew, Mac had to flee to the roof to hide from him, or something.
Holy crap! Weidman! Duncan!
Best part of the episode.
I think, sadly, that finales bring out the Big Cheeseball Ham in RT and company, but dude, I fuckin' called it! Go team? Also, the actors brought their A games, and man, way to go, Duncan and CW!
Wow. I agree that Beaver broke me with the My name is Cassidy.
I now want to rewatch every single episode, to see how I react to him now. I also need to rewatch this ep 15 brazilian times.
Was I the only one who thought Logan was going to pull a Giles/Gunn, and follow up his "you're not a killer" with a "but I am" and shoot Cassidy?
Betsy, couldn't he be tried for perjury?
Yes, but it's highly unlikely they would.
And if he perjured himself, couldn't they throw out the verdict?