i've seen people jokingly saying "Angel!" because of this cap, but i just had a lightbulb moment. Liam = Angel. literally. it's possible i'm just slow and this is the joke everyone's been making all along.
Everyone as in fandom, or everyone as in the writers? This is the first I've heard it.
If it's fandom, well, yeah, we're geeks. Making connections between one thing we like and another thing we like is pretty much required.
If we're talking writers, I find it doubtful. It's not remarkable for an Irish person to wear a claddagh(sp?) ring. One of my good friends who's half-Irish wears one, as does my girlfriend. I mean, I suppose Liam's name could be a nod to Angel, but I don't know if Rob Thomas got far enough into Buffy to find out Angel's human name. I know he watched season 1 after Joss raved about VM, but I didn't hear anything after that.
Everyone as in fandom, or everyone as in the writers?
everyone as in fandom. more specifically my flist on livejournal.
I'll be disappointed if he (Duncan) isn't shot many times, by many people. Possibly with a slo-mo musical montage.
I would applaud that.
When he greeted her in the parking lot with something like, "I always like to start my day with a hot (gorgeous? whatever--complimentary) blonde," I was waiting for him to then say something Loganesque like, "Have you seen one?" and he didn't.
Oohh, Cindy, I like the way you think.
I know he watched season 1 after Joss raved about VM, but I didn't hear anything after that.
Well, I don't know if he actually ever got around to it. Every time I asked, he said he was too busy with the show and the kid and hadn't watched yet.
Oohh, Cindy, I like the way you think.
Heh. I was actually glad he didn't go there, though. I like it better when dialogue surprises me. Then Veronica got to give the zinger, when she said, "Me, too," to which Logan said, "I'm not blond," and she said, "Or hot."
Which? Liar.
But still. Actually I thought that was a little mean of her, considering they seem to be friendlier, now.
Liam Fitzpatrick always gives me the X-Files flashback, as Rodney Rowland, who plays Liam, will always be Ed Jerse to me from "Never Again," which is one of my favourite episodes of TXF ever.
I believe Rowland was actually in one of the S5 Angel episodes as a (surprise, suprise!) violent thug. Lemme see... yeap, he was in "Conviction", as someone named Corbin Fries.
Despite the past association, I have to say he's doing a bang-up job as Liam in VM. I find him genuinely frightening--have done so since the moment I saw him in that episode when he violently manhandled Veronica onto the pool table.
Someone clear this out for me: When Veronica tells Weevil her theory of how he crashed the bus, what goodie bag is she talking about when she says that he put the bomb in Dick's goodie bag?
Liam Fitzpatrick always gives me the X-Files flashback, as Rodney Rowland, who plays Liam, will always be Ed Jerse to me from "Never Again," which is one of my favourite episodes of TXF ever.
THAT'S where I know him from. Jeebus.
And Vonnie, I agree totally with you about him. He's scary as heck.
I can't see him as anyone but Cooper from SA:AB.
what goodie bag is she talking about when she says that he put the bomb in Dick's goodie bag?
Prize given by Woody on the field trip. As in maybe Woody put bomb in prize and rigged it to go to Dick to blow up the limo, but Dick gave it to Betina and it made bus go boom. Maybe.