(1a) But what happened to Keith's angry "I can NEVER trust you again!!!"?
I think she's gotten her act (where Keith is concerned) together, since then. She's been more forth-coming with him than previously (although not completely). Also? People freak out at the people they love and say things they might not mean as blood oaths. Plus, you'll notice he has not told Veronica some of what he's been doing (like last week, with the investigation into the stress disorder scheme).
Also, randomly, the VM theme song makes me happy in the same way that the BTVS theme song did/does.
Me three. The "Come on now, sugar" hook is irresistible.
Yep! Having Logan's on at the part of it has nothing to do with it though, right Amy? Nothing at all.
Not enough Logan in this episode, although Mac was priceless. Interesting revelations about Kendall, too. And much as I love Wallace, I'm bored by the Jackie situation unless it has some big payoff I'm not anticipating.
Not enough Logan, but what they did have was an interesting bit of in characterization/growth. When he greeted her in the parking lot with something like, "I always like to start my day with a hot (gorgeous? whatever--complimentary) blonde," I was waiting for him to then say something Loganesque like, "Have you seen one?" and he didn't.
I'm deeply ashamed to confess I was feeling positively shippery toward Jackie and Wallace last night. I first suspected as much, when I was yelling at him for his footinmouthitis with her, in the hallway. I was convinced by the time she was saying they'd only have five weeks.
We can talk about next week's previews here, because they were broadcast, right? If nobody else watched them, I won't bother but...