The possibility of violent outbursts was, I guess, supposed to make him a little more interesting, but now that he's (I assume) taking his meds, he's pretty bland. I don't get creepy from him at all.
I guess it is the blandness that I find creepy. I know some pretty calm people, but given everything he's had going on for the last year or two, there ought to be some sign--even if it is calm!guy!freak-outs, but there's nothing.
This is my impression on the med situation: He was on the Epilepsy meds, but went off his ADs. He then went back on the ADs, after he started hallucinating about Headwound Lilly. Later in the season, when Keith brought him back from Cuba, Celeste's remark seemed to indicate that he ran away without his meds.
My guess is that he is now taking both meds, but I don't think there's canonical confirmation.
So I guess I think Teddy Dunn doesn't have a lot to work with, but I also think he's not the most gifted actor to grace the screen, either.
Yeah, that's a fair cop.
Re the Lilly/Aaron tapes--my impression was that most of the characters who weighed in at least
the tapes won't be necessary to convict Aaron. Of course, that probably means Aaron will walk, but really, it may well be more interesting if he walks.
Has anyone noticed how hard they're trying this season to *not* make this a high school show?
Yes, and I miss the high school.
I do too. Last year they had basically one season-long arc, and it was kept in the background most of the time.
This episode sucked. The end.
Another thing that bothers me about this is that since there was no Lost last night there may have been the potential for new viewers to try the show on for size.
DH was home last night, a rare occasion on a Wednesday, and I almost suggested he give it a try. Grateful I decided that it would be a better plan for him to watch from the beginning. If he doesn't like something on first try he won't try again.
Medication haze may be the reason for the foggy blandness of Duncan's character. It's difficult to care about him.
Of course, that probably means Aaron will walk, but really, it may well be more interesting if he walks.
Ummm... locked Veronica in a box and tried to burn her alive? If he walks, it'll be because of a dumb technicality.
Yep. Attempted murder if not the actual homicide of Lily.
Well, that's what Leo said about the tapes. I guess if enough witnesses testify to them, it's okay, but I bet the prosecution would have rather had the actual evidence.
I don't remember one way or the other, but, wouldn't somebody have searched the room and impounded the cameras? That goes a long way toward supporting what the tape-viewers will testify to seeing.
Also, the tapes are only necessary for a conviction on Lily's murder. Aaron Echolls is 100% dead to rights on trying to kill Veronica, and assaulting Keith. Attempted murder probably gets a shorter sentence than successful murder, but really, it ought to be a whole lot of years, right?
Unless he has a giant drug kingpin he can roll over on.
I'm no lawyer, but it seemed odd to me that they were convicting based on extrapolation.
If it seemed odd to you, it was
actively painful
for me. I was sitting on the couch moaning, "no!
why are you doing that?
Stop it, please. Don't fill in the blanks! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP HYPOTHESIZING!"
But I may have issues with jurors who do the government's work for them.
none of the episodes this season follow last year's format, where a random high school student asks Veronica to solve a mystery for them.
I do too. Last year they had basically one season-long arc, and it was kept in the background most of the time.
I like this season for that reason. I was kind of annoyed last season when the A plot got in the way of learning more about the arc (like when Rob Thomas interviewed that the last few episodes would focus entirely on the mystery...but then we get Hot Dogs and M.A.D.) I feel like most episodes this season has a one-off mystery, but still seems like it's opening up the arc. A very satisfying MoTW/arc-y mix.
If it seemed odd to you, it was actively painful for me. I was sitting on the couch moaning, "no! why are you doing that? Stop it, please. Don't fill in the blanks! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP HYPOTHESIZING!"
You and me both, bon bon. Also, JUST SAY NO TO THE JURY TAMPERING.
Forgot to mention: still love me some Lamb. There was good stuff in this episode-- like how amazing Veronica looked in the fun NYE scene. And of course, Logan.