The really hard part was separating bears from their feet.
Rabbit feet were too small.
'Dirty Girls'
[NAFDA] Spoiler Policy: Seasons 1-3 and the movie are fair game. Spoiler font two weeks for new content presented all at once (e.g. Season 4 on Hulu is fair game as of Aug. 9, 2019). New content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
The really hard part was separating bears from their feet.
Rabbit feet were too small.
Whoa, that episode was awesome. I also loved the song at the end.
The party at Gia's was painfully painful. And what's up with them and their boy kid? And why did the mother move like I've always imagined the aliens in The Puppet Masters (book, not movie) moving? So freaky and non-human-like.
I also loved the Couch Baron shout-out, for those TWOP readers among us. "I was thinking "awkward" but 'scram' works, too." Heh.
And actually, the most significant clue as to the "who sabotaged the bus" and "who killed Felix the gang member" was dropped this episode -- the conversation with Woody and Keith. Somehow, and I'm not sure how exactly yet, this is all tied in to Woody's attempt to incorporate Neptune into a city.
Oddly, this is a political process I've lived through, when my old county unincorporated territory of South Laguna got incorporated into Laguna Beach. (And where was MTV when THAT was happening, I ask you? They missed gold. Gold I tell you!)
But seriously, with the real estate theme running through the season, and Woody's talk of tax incentives, et al, I think someone's got a lot tied up in shady real estate deals that'll make a fortune if Neptune "secedes" from the surrounding area. Judging from my own experience, it's a hastle and expense a lot of people might not want, but escalating class conflicts could push things a different direction.
None of which, however, explains the bus. If it is the mayor, then why would he want to kill his dorky daughter. Did she know something? Still, not enough information.
Except that Logan totally taped a dead rat to the bottom of the bus to stink it up.
Also, "Ah, did I hurt your feeling?" BWAH!
Logan did the rat?
Wait, that makes total sense. Seeing as how he's coming away from the bus as everyone is getting on it. Damn, wish I could have thought of that.
It totally does!
Plus, I believe that he is on the school newspaper so would have been invited on the trip -- but cose to skip it.
Hmm. The rat taping doesn't seem like a very Loganish thing to do without Dick being in on it, too. It makes sense space and chronology wise though.
I feel height-of-my-Buffy-psychosis love for this show right now. The last episode exceeded my expectations in just about every arena.
Something about Gia's family's interaction made me feel bad for Woody (that's the Mayor's name, yes?) Like he genuinely wanted his kids to have normal lives but knew they didn't maybe - it was just a vague sense of pity for him. And RT's writing of moms continues to take us to new areas of craxy (though at least with Meg's family the central big bad was the dad). And dark!Lamb backstory - so unexpected and great.
And Duncan and Veronica aren't clinging to their attempts at rosy normalness all that tightly anymore. Not so much that they can't fixate on past relationships right in front of each other.
Loved loved the music at the end. Dick is the ick. And yay for Big Lebowski love!
The party at Gia's was painfully painful.
I was disappointed Veronica didn't have a scathing retort to tatoo-chick, since she's always been quick to respond to verbal slights in the past.
1. Ordinarily, Logan makes me want to hit him in the face with an axe.
1a. He is, in no way, alone in generating this feeling. It's probably a good thing I no longer carry an axe with me.
2. For a brief shining moment, Logan was my favorite character in the world. See: "Aw, did I hurt your feeling?" and "When the milk stops being free, I stop drinking it." Bliss...
3. Charisma Carpenter is 58 pounds of hot in a 3 pound bag.
I love how CC's character is so incredibly skanky, with like, no redeeming characteristics.