Not the best way to start a Saturday, or any day, for sure.
Me, I'm contemplating going to the towyard and retrieving all my possessions, including the plates, from my trashed ex-car. Happily I will have Nutty with me for moral support, and also in case any junkyard cheetahs attack.
I made the terrible mistake of watching an animal rescue special about Katrina on Animal Planet.
In addition to weeping like a baby, now I want to adopt several hundred dogs and cats.
How wrong is it that I'm basically relieved I have homework as a legitimate excuse for not going to a party today? I just looked at the Evite, and it's for the afternoon, not tonight, and I also just looked at the online part of a class, and the assignment says by today, not tomorrow like I thought the prof said in class. Theoretically I could motivate and get everything done in time, but... eh.
I still want to go back to bed despite application of caffeine, breakfast, and internets. But Adventure Calls (Collect).
Right there with you, Theo. Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap.
Happy birthday Perkins!
I hate to say this, but I won't be able to make it tonight. S's mom is in town from Texas down in Long Beach, and we have to go spend time with her tonight. Sorry.
Happy Birthday Phoenix Board!
Okay, Jeff Corwin cracks me up. He'll happily just pick up an incredibly venmous snake off the ground and play with it for extended periods, but monkeys freak him out big time and he doesn't like getting near them.
Whoops. I was this close to being out the door to run some errands when I remembered that the cable is supposed to come this morning. That would've been bad.
Napping was my other option, which I guess I can't do now either. So I'm watching the '98 Superbowl and hoping the guy hurries up and gets here.
September 16,2005 | AUSTIN, Texas -- The youngest son of Florida Gov. Jeb Bush was arrested early Friday and charged with public intoxication and resisting arrest, law enforcement officials said.
This is not the first problem John Ellis Bush, Jr (aka Jebby) has had with the law. In 2000 he and his girlfriend at the time where caught in a mall parking lot having sex, naked from the waist down. Since they were both underage and willing participants no one filed charges.
The other Bush son, George, got in trouble for trespassing and breaking into the house of an ex girlfriend. He broke in,they argued, the police were called, but nothing much happened from it.