He'll happily just pick up an incredibly venmous snake off the ground and play with it for extended periods, but monkeys freak him out big time and he doesn't like getting near them.
Makes sense to me. Snakes are pretty simple -- stay away from the sharp end and you'll be fine. Monkeys? Monkeys are devious little fuckers with 4 arms and prehensile tails.
Jeff Corwin being pecked in the head by a harpy eagle that's almost half as big as he is?
Comedy gold.
Re: the Bush's: Is it just me, or is that a family desperately in need of some new first names to add to the mix?
Monkeys? Monkeys are devious little fuckers with 4 arms and prehensile tails.
Plus? Primate lycanthropy.
The other Bush son, George, got in trouble for trespassing and breaking into the house of an ex girlfriend. He broke in,they argued, the police were called, but nothing much happened from it.
And didn't the daughter get arrested a couple of years ago for forging prescriptions for narcotics?
You can never be too careful.
ION, here are some floating Elvises in an endless pink void
Re: the Bush's: Is it just me, or is that a family desperately in need of some new first names to add to the mix?
More like new DNA and new brain cells and new AA meetings.
I'm starting to wonder if Ol' Barb is a lush, and she's only drunk at home because that is what ladies of society do.
ION, here are some floating Elvises in an endless pink void
Awesome Jess. I'd been looking for this my whole life, without ever actually knowing it.