Betsy would know. I bet Betsy will come on and tell us it is some complex interaction between the milk, sugar, and rising agent that makes the difference. Possibly also the butter/fat content.
Either that or she'll find a site that explains in explicit detail what people do with cake versus what people do with bread (and I don't mean "do"in terms of sandwiches).
eta: We loves Betsy's links.
There are always meringues, angel food cake, facials, souffles, omelettes ... a whole bunch of options.
All of the rest of those options are too involved, as I am not smart enough to change out of black clothing before starting bread, so I would not be able to cook two things at once. How do egg whites store?
wheat germ
Tell me about this substance. My mother used to keep it in the fridge, but I wasn't really sure why. It is, like, whole wheat flour super-concentrate? wheat without the gluten?
IMO, you fit in so well I thought you were an old-timer that changed your id.
And I add wheatgerm to anything that doesn't need a light crumb
See, this is where we differ. Cookies and cakes to me are smoother, thus the wheat germ would disrupt the tastiness.
Hungry is "my tummy is sad", while full is "my tummy is happy".
I am so going to steal this (and I don't care I'm old enough to be his mother).
I think they're called tines, actually
Thanks, juliana.
[Edit: 3+2+2=7]
That place on Grand, ChiKat? Yum.
Yep. I love that place. Mango ice cream....
I feel like I'm just jostling around and making an ass of myself.
I don't see that, dw.
Isn't egg white used by some people when TTC?
I mean, above and beyond as a descriptive for fertile cervical mucous.
Is gingerbread bread or cake?
Cookies and cakes to me are smoother, thus the wheat germ would disrupt the tastiness.
Even oatmeal cookies? I'm all about the chewiness. I see the divide -- I wouldn't wheat germ in every cake (nor in every bread), but I would in some of the heartier ones.
Another use for egg whites is a chiffon cake (popular in the 1950s) which is made with egg whites and vegetable oil. They're pretty good.
You guys make it way too complicated.