I'm trying to figure out why people who use default settings should have to learn new behaviors because a few people decide to customize their browsing experience away from a white background.
I think we should have been asking for
t span
the whole time, honestly. HTML changed in the world at large, but our posting habits didn't.
Does the map have an id?
It does--I'm memfaulting on the CSS to hit the img tag in that id.
Register under a second userid that you use only for your phone.
Thought of this, actually. Not really ideal since it wouldn't keep track of new posts. I was mostly kidding anyway - the board as is looks pretty great on my phone, certainly more than fine.
I think the next major iteration of CSS driven site is shared sheets. We can also start monkeying with css and media types.
ita: It looks like the map image isn't falling correctly within the "map" id div. When I look at the source code, I see:
<div id="map" style="width: 500px; height: 300px">
Before I see the script for the map. If you move that closing div behind the script, then you should be able to use:
#map img{display: normal;}
(Actually, I'm guessing on the "normal" part)
Right now, if you want to be a little more ghetto about it, you could use:
#widemain img{display: normal;}
I just tested that, with all other images turned off. It works. But it'd be nicer to move the "map" div into the proper place in map.php.
Dude. I'm learnin' 'puter stuff. Thanks for the tutorials.
Actually I just shifted the placement of the javascript. It no longer correctly colours your own marker, but I can play with that tomorrow. The other images turn off simply enough.
Heh. The css stuff is style boggling my mind. I've always been pretty happy with the way the board looked.
I just stopped by to say thanks for the work, the map looks great (although, with my street address punched it, my arrow is still a couple of buildings off from where I live, but still pretty damn close!), and for putting in the alt.buffistas.net workaround. I'm one of those poor sods blocked at work and I'd been using ccs.b.net since I started there in August. So, you know, thanks!
We'd better update the how-to page as well re: spoilerfont.
(And a note to css-happy spoiler 'hos - make sure spoilers still look different from the rest of the text on the page so you don't accidentally quote one not realizing its spoilery nature! Mine are #888888.)
spoiler spoiler spoiler
The word has lost all meaning.
ita, did you add the
<style type='text/css'>#map img { display: block }</style>
thing to the top of the map page? That "block" property is keeping the markers from going transparent for me, so they're little white boxes covering up terrain.
Picture here. I think if you set it to "normal" it will work, maybe...