We'd better update the how-to page as well re: spoilerfont.
(And a note to css-happy spoiler 'hos - make sure spoilers still look different from the rest of the text on the page so you don't accidentally quote one not realizing its spoilery nature! Mine are #888888.)
spoiler spoiler spoiler
The word has lost all meaning.
ita, did you add the
<style type='text/css'>#map img { display: block }</style>
thing to the top of the map page? That "block" property is keeping the markers from going transparent for me, so they're little white boxes covering up terrain.
Picture here. I think if you set it to "normal" it will work, maybe...
That's very weird, Gris. Mine look perfectly normal--in fact, it looks better than before because the markers aren't squished anymore (probably because I've lost the customisation somehow). I'll try the normal tweak.
eta: Normal gains me no map at all.
Weird. Looking at this generated code, I don't even know why that code is having ANY effect, since it still looks to me like the map div is on the wrong side of the generating script. Maybe I don't understand CSS as well as I thought I was beginning to.
Gris' map looks like mine.
Thank all you people for making me feel excellently smrt today. My board? Looks exactly like my board did yesterday. And I'm very happy with that.
Because my board? Is a beeeyoootiful board. I'm smiling, see me smiling? I'll bet *those* people don't have a board as pretty as this one.
ita, after messing around a bit with one of the really cool web developer firefox plugins, it doesn't look like your code is messing me up. Nor is mine. When I hover over the pins, it says they are "img .gmnoprint" images instead of "img .gmnoscreen" images - playing around with disabling other stylesheets assured me that the gmnoscreen images have the transparency, while gmnoprint do not. This seems like something screwy in the script itself, displaying the wrong image type for screens, at least in FF 3.
Never mind, that apparently means "Google Maps No Print" - which IS supposed to display on the screen. So it's displaying correctly... just oddly. I'm confuzzled.
I'll bet *those* people don't have a board as pretty as this one.
They seriously don't. We rule.
t natter
Dana, your tea is sitting in my dining room. The whole pneumonia thing threw off the whole mailing process. I promise it will be on its way soon.
t /natter
Hi there. I was wondering, is there any how-to guide to changing one's personal css? Either on this board or elsewhere. Ta everso.