When more people have added their locations, will there be a link in the sidebar (where the link to the FAQ is)?
That can certainly be done.
I was surprised at how easy it was. Discovering that it could eat text locations for breakfast...I wasn't expecting that. I'm still wondering if I should do a javascript version where you can drag your marker, but I don't really see the point. This is very tidy and simple.
I vote no need for drag and drop.
Jon, I know you can't do b.org from work--signing up for the API id was by URL, so I'll have to see if I can get it working from css.net. Anyway, that HTML could stand a little bit of tidying, if you would.
You mean the html on the Set Profile page? Yeah, I can look at it this weekend.
t edit
or do you mean the map page?
The map page could use a little hspace (or similar) between the name list and the map.
Also, Sang Sacre doesn't show up anywhere...
I visited the map and when I returned to Buffistas Home found myself logged out. That was weird, since I have my profile set to remember me. A map bug, or random weirdness?
Probably random weirdness, in that you followed a link that went to buffistas.org when you were logged in at www.buffistas.org
If you think Set Profile needs fixing--I just copied the code around it. I was thinking the map page itself, and that includes the size of the map.
It's in the left hand panel now.
I visited the map and when I returned to Buffistas Home found myself logged out.
I had the opposite problem - when I went to the map page I was logged out.
Also, some of the people mentioned as being in the map I couldn't find (I was thinking specifically of Theodosia, since she's an area-ista).