Ii htought you were going to say that's what you took tonight, Jesse! You would have slept for a week straight!
Har. No. It's a miracle I even had the Benadryl -- I have no idea when or why I bought it.
The nanny makes me roll my eyes here:
In fact during my 5 month employ at Ms. Olen's, I spent two and a half months celibate. Yep. Celibate.
Two and a half months with no sex!?!?!?!?!? THE HORROR!!! @@
Oh, which reminds me -- I told my parents about the eyeroll emoticon. They liked it.
So, what can you do about itchy bug bites? I have a zillion on my ankles, and they are DRIVING ME MAD.
Are you sure they aren't flea bites? When my dog had fleas, I used to get bitten on the ankles all the time because the fleas got into the rug.
How would there be fleas in my house? The cat does not go out. And is not itchy.
OK, phew. You made me paranoid for a minute there. Anyway, I sleep with my feet uncovered, but the rest of me under the covers, so that would explain that.
I love how I totally derail Natter with my random issues all the time.
Jesse, I find that bug bites soemtimes don't rise on me until 24 hours after I'm bitten.
You still might want to take a close look at your cat.
Jesse, I find that bug bites soemtimes don't rise on me until 24 hours after I'm bitten.
With mosquitos, the bits raise up right away, but these were the dreaded greenhead flies on Saturday, and they were all over our feet all day, so. Who knows?
Eh. Have taken drugs, am going to bed.
Also, fleas can jump multiple building stories, or so I've been told. you don't need an outdoor animal for it to get fleas, at least if you have open windows.
I read a bunch of stuff on Nannygate, and the wife is an ass. The nanny wasn't bright, but the wife is one hell of an ass.
Why is the wife an ass? Also, I had to concentrate on which Nanny story. Did Sienna Whozzit already marry Jude Law?
It was pretty much a lot of "I freaked reading about my nanny's life because it made me worry that I might pause to think about my own life choices and that scares me. Also I'm maybe not as cool as her." I mean, there were a few things that weren't on that level, but really I think that was the heart of the problem.