I killed Natter with Tick .wavs.
Here's the thing: I rubbed at the corner of my eyes, just past the eyelid, but not quite to the temples, and I accidentally triggered some odd flush of endorphins so that I am filled with delicious lassitude. I wanna nap.
Question: Does honey go bad?
Is it pasturized? (What is the honey equiv of this? I am certain there is a specific word I am looking for...)
Raw honey can go bad. But you have to look for that special. And likely not in grocery stores.
Depends on what you consider bad. I've seen it get crunchy.
The crystalization? Just heat and that goes poof. Unless you are crunching bits of honeycomb.
Honey doesn't really go bad. Raw honey can be contaminated, but it doesn't turn.
It's actully de-crystaliztion that's concerning me. It's a container of solid honey (Canadians will know what that is) that has mostly liquified. I'm pretty sure it's fine - at any rate, I'll know soon enough. But it'd be nice to know ahead if time if I'ma die in my sleep.
By solid do you mean creamed or spun? Cause that is just air whipped in. So if it is liquid again, just less/no air.
If not then I have no idea what solid honey is. I am not Canadian.
Dunno. Comes in a tub, spreadable like thick jam, kind of yellowy-whitish? Billy-Bee. It's a lot darker when it's liquid. I'm sure it's fine and all. Since, y'know, I already ate it. And I feel fine!
But it'd be nice to know ahead if time if I'ma die in my sleep.
From my own personal experience, passing away quietly in my sleep would've been a blessing compared to the actual food poisoning ick I was privy to.
Not good times.