I hate it when cars honk at cars ahead of them for stopping for pedestrians who have the right of way. Or cars that honk at pedestrians just because they're in a crosswalk.
This happens all the time in my neighborhood. We're in a mixed use zone, so up the street is a strip of nothing but bars, resturaunts, and retail. There are crosswalks at nearly every intersection, yet some people believe that if there's not a light or a stop sign, it's their right of way.
Of course, I'm one of those people who think you should only be able to miss one question on the written to get a licence.
Or don't run a yellow, and they're coming up fast behind you to follow you through and then honk when you stop because dammit, they could have been in the accident too!
Or people who honk at cars that don't turn right on red fast enough.
Oh that drives me batty! Turning right on red is optional! Optional! And when I get beeped at I will sit there until the light turns green and wave happily at the beeper. I'm a brat that way.
I hate it when cars honk at cars ahead of them for stopping for pedestrians who have the right of way. Or cars that honk at pedestrians just because they're in a crosswalk.
nod nod nod
I've been nearly run over more times than I care to think about while crossing in a crosswalk somewhere on the Evil Empire campus.
I am bitchslapping and ignoring my stoopid little voice. Go team cyst!
When do you go back?
July 29. They told me that the doctor will be there to read the results right away, so I'll know the diagnosis that morning.
How have you all resisted the urge to spout "IT'S NOT A TUMAH!!"?
You don't want to take up the ball jointed doll hobby.
Where would you put them?
The hunt for dressy nursing wear continues. Somehow, I only have two weeks left.
I just took my measurements. Lalalala. Never finding clothing again!
The joy of pregnancy/childbirth is that you can go back to your pre-baby weight and still be 3"-4" inches larger everywhere. This has tipped me into plus sizes, which is the black hole of nursing fashion.
I was once yelled at, like the woman got out of her car to yell at me, for allowing someone all the way over into the left lane. They looked totally lost, suddenly flipped on their blinker, so I slowed down to let them across and onto the freeway.
A guy pulled a gun on my friend Dave for waiting until the
woman with a stroller
cleared the intersection before he made a right turn.
Huh. The back of the office chair came off. It's like a weird torture device. Just the seat part with a huge metal bar with a springy platform with giant screws coming out of it. I'll feel so very S&M while typing up resumes and cover letters now. Not to mention chatting with you guys.
The hunt for dressy nursing wear continues. Somehow, I only have two weeks left.
I recommend spray on latex.