The thing about dressing like a rock star again is that I need almost all new rock star clothes. My body's shifted enough that the old rock star clothes are now grossly tight instead of naughtily tight.
I did start a new photo gallery though, so if you have pictures of clothes you think I should wear, lemme have 'em.
vw, yay for free drugs! Boo for missing work, but yay free drugs!
I did start a new photo gallery though
Pfft. I got all excited thinking it'd be more Juliana-as-rock-star pictures.
I got all excited thinking it'd be more Juliana-as-rock-star pictures.
Find me the clothes, wait for me to get said clothes, and there will be such pictures.
Find me the clothes, wait for me to get said clothes, and there will be such pictures.
Note to self: When wealthy as Croesus send Juliana to Seattle. Then give Ple, Juliana and Jilli your American Express and send them shopping. Then Ple can photograph her.
I did start a new photo gallery though, so if you have pictures of clothes you think I should wear, lemme have 'em.
Shirly Manson and David Bowie are both very pretty.
Shirly Manson and David Bowie are both very pretty.
Juliana does kind of look like their offspring.
Note to self: When wealthy as Croesus send Juliana to Seattle. Then give Ple, Juliana and Jilli your American Express and send them shopping. Then Ple can photograph her.
I like this plan. Can JZ come too?
Yay free drugs!
I just had to go look Croesus up.
I understood the Miranda thing after only one read through, though.
Note to self: When wealthy as Croesus send Juliana to Seattle. Then give Ple, Juliana and Jilli your American Express and send them shopping. Then Ple can photograph her.
Oooh, good plan.
juliana, take a look on eBay for Lip Service jackets. I've seen some things that would look very good on you; I'd search and link to them, but I'm about to scamper off to a meeting.
I like this plan. Can JZ come too?
Why not - she'd love it. Mind, I expect everybody to load up on makeup and everybody else to buy clothes too. There might need to be some eating and drinking involved as well.