Ah, juliana links are of the good. I need to buy a couple new bras. I hate bra shopping as I am quite particular (read: picky picky picky) and it makes for the crazy.
Then again, I am wearing a jog bra-containing tank under my nice white work shirt today because I am riding a horsie after work and containment is going to be key. So right now? Squarshed cleavage bomb.
Jilli, I've pointed to a number of gothic books in Literary for your review.
Today's fun topic:
How High is Too High for Miranda?
Do I know how to have fun? Or what? What.
(The answer varies widely depending on what side of the courtroom you might be sitting on. At least on the internets.) Technically, most of the confessions obtained on H:LOTS? Kind of illegal.
Today's fun topic: How High is Too High for Miranda?
The fact that my non-Domino cat is named Miranda caused me to have to re-read erika's post several times to make it not be about her giving my tortie catnip or something.
. . .
I'm lacking in clarity. I think I should go to lunch now.
Today's fun topic: How High is Too High for Miranda?
The fact that my non-Domino cat is named Miranda caused me to have to re-read erika's post several times to make it not be about her giving my tortie catnip or something.
And I pictured Miranda Otto toking up.
D'oh.Everybody in the world isn't a crime junkie, you idiot.
I pictured Miranda Otto toking up.
I had Miranda from Sex in the City joining the Mile High Club.
I have learned the following dialectic today: my shrink is the greatest doctor ever; at the same time he can be a big pain in the ass.
I just got home with about $1,000 worth of drugs in sample form. I am not making it into work, though, because I waited about an hour past my appointment time to see my wonderful shrink. But, FREE DRUGS! This is a good thing.
I pictured Miranda Zero from Global Frequency doing a flying kick.