The new associate I pimped Firefly to just brought me back the dvds, along with a jar of quince jam his wife made. After he said he, and especially his wife, really liked it, I started pimping Wonderfalls, and he knew who Tim was, just from having looked into the writing credits.
I was impressed, but also wonder if lending them Wonderfalls will get me toast, or maybe chocolate, to go with my jam.
Also, I think I am a little afraid of quince.
David has an itty tiny acorn. I think I'm C'ing all three.
Quince is lovely. It smells a bit like roses; they're in the same family.
Teeny acorn, but look at those hands...
F- David (he's a little guy with a lot to prove, and knows how to have a good time dancing in the rain)
M- The Thinker (smart guys keep things interesting long term)
C- Laoccoon (daddy types that are into snakes have never appealed to me)
F, C, M: Elmo, Kermit, Ernie.
C Elmo. Immediately. M Kermit (assuming Piggy won't kick my ass), so F Ernie, I guess.
On the other hand, Ernie has shown that he can make a long-term committment...
Bert and Ernie are too cute to break up. Kermit is definitely M material.