Those are fabulous boots.
I just had to spend my spare clothing budget for this month on a new pair of jeans, though, since my last good pair just got a hole in the knee.
On an entirely unrelated note, what is it with guys who say goodbye to girls with, "Be good!" Suddenly, every guy I meet is doing that, and I find it rather off-putting.
Oh those boots are tempting. But what would I wear them with?
Ah, but I already have slutgear boots! They have six-inch heels and one-inch platforms. So these would be, like, casual slutgear. And that doesn't come up a lot.
That "Be good" thing is weird, Hil. I haven't run into it and don't know what it signifies. Maybe it's code.
That "Be good" thing is weird, Hil. I haven't run into it and don't know what it signifies. Maybe it's code.
I've heard it before. I don't think it signifies anything, really - just a variation on take care, see ya, later, etc. Just something to say.
Nora, I'm a mostly 9 1/2 who has recently gotten 10ish, but since 9 1/2 was the biggest size they had that's what I got, and they fit fine, so I guess going a half-size down does indeed work. The fit is just snug enough that I'll never be able to wear them with socks, just tights, but since I wasn't planning on socks anyway they're basically fine.
Ah, but I already have slutgear boots! They have six-inch heels and one-inch platforms. So these would be, like, casual slutgear. And that doesn't come up a lot.
Ironic that slutting has such barrier to entry.
Ironic that slutting has such barrier to entry.
Esp. considering slutting is usually an invitation to entry...
So these would be, like, casual slutgear. And that doesn't come up a lot.
So most of your slutty occasions are formal?