does the cabbage patch for vw Who rocks?? vw rocks!!
We just make a costume change part way through. First 50's, then 60s.
Oh. Okay. I like that. I'll have to be wigged wither way, so no problem.
I should actually start planning this end of it, huh?
Though if you're not expecting any more grades, etc. and would like a quiet evening to enjoy the good, feel free to send me finalist~ma
Susan, you've got all my ~ma, girl.
Congrats, vw! You're getting the good news all over this afternoon!
And do I really want to call my dentist back about scheduling my crown? Do I really want to put down $200?
Yes, because it's better to put down the $200 in a planned and orderly fashion than having to make emergency crown appointments. Trust me.
~~finalist-ma for Susan.
Go you, Little Miss Tenacious!
That's just amazing, but not, vw, since you worked your ass off for it.
Yes, because it's better to put down the $200 in a planned and orderly fashion than having to make emergency crown appointments. Trust me.
True. But it's not a bad case. I actually have an older, extensive filling that my dentist figures is due for a switch to a crown. So there's no real rush to get this done. And I'm dreading it because it's the next to the last tooth which mean TMJ flair up and hellish time trying to fit and seat the crown. Bleh.
vw, go play "We are the Champions" on your iPod. Damn it, you're good!
Cashmere, call the dentist back, or the crown could become a bridge. (I have a temporary crown in right now, and will get a pretty gold piece soon to replace it.)
Susan, finalist~ma!
Thanks, vw!
Here's my mantra for the day: I'm still a good writer even if I don't final in this contest, or any other. I know this to be true. People who never final in contests still go on to sell their novels. Luck is always a factor. If K, A, S, or any of my other friends who also entered this contest final and I do not, I will congratulate them graciously and publicly. Tears, chocolate, and bitter reflections on how anyone could
fall in love with my hero and think my story is the most romantic and well-written thing EVAH will be kept private.
VW rocks harder than GRANITE! YEA VW!