vw, go play "We are the Champions" on your iPod. Damn it, you're good!
Cashmere, call the dentist back, or the crown could become a bridge. (I have a temporary crown in right now, and will get a pretty gold piece soon to replace it.)
Susan, finalist~ma!
Thanks, vw!
Here's my mantra for the day: I'm still a good writer even if I don't final in this contest, or any other. I know this to be true. People who never final in contests still go on to sell their novels. Luck is always a factor. If K, A, S, or any of my other friends who also entered this contest final and I do not, I will congratulate them graciously and publicly. Tears, chocolate, and bitter reflections on how anyone could
fall in love with my hero and think my story is the most romantic and well-written thing EVAH will be kept private.
VW rocks harder than GRANITE! YEA VW!
So, for those of you keeping track at home, that's 2 As and 1 A- this semester, plus the 2 As and 1 B+ from the incompletes. Not too bad...not too bad.
Very impressive, particularly in a term where you had to catch up with several incompletes and get a job and earn an iPod. Congratulations - you've achieved so much this year.
Now I want you to take a deep breath and realize that if you do ever happen to get a B+ it doesn't mean you're a bad person.
I'm all for achieving your goals and doing well, but Good Grades can be like Crack and people tend to get dependent on them for their self-esteem. Which really gets difficult in the real world where you don't get a report card so often and annual reviews are nowhere near as validating.
Adding my voice to the chorus of YAY!!! vw!!!!
annual reviews are nowhere near as validating
Except in that, if you're lucky, sometimes a good work review = bonus/raise.
Which really gets difficult in the real world where you don't get a report card so often
And this is why we need GOLD STARS.
Oh, Hec, I'm *expecting* some B+s...especially in my science and math courses. I'll probably be disappointed and work twice as hard, but I know that they can't all be As. I am going to take a deep breath, though. And I can only hope that the rest of my semesters go half as well as this one did.
If you pre-order from Amazon, they don't charge until it gets shipped, right?
Aimée, that is correct.
vw, you just ignore Hec's practical thinking today and enjoy the hell out of what you've done. Tomorrow is time enough to think rationally.
Now I want you to take a deep breath and realize that if you do ever happen to get a B+ it doesn't mean you're a bad person.
Word. I failed a class a couple years ago, remember? Which kind of sucked, a lot, but what was my point again?
Sorry, I'm just trying to get through the next few minutes before I cazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...