How about "Hi, you don't know me, and you don't know my sense of humor. Please don't equate wisecracking about slutgear with your notions of what it means. Who the hell uses the word "turpitude" these days, anyway?"
Um, I guess that last wouldn't help much....
Ok, ha-ha, that's a funny joke email sent. We shall see.
2 of my GF's don't know her.
Erin, I am pole-axed.
Lisah's suggestion is considerably less wordy and calmer than my own likely response.
Raquel, thanks to my reading, I would know a few words but they'd get you in trouble.
Would totally read BTNFayJaiforevah!1!, but I believe being jealous of both parts of a couple and the happy coupleness itself? Might put a nail in my Envy Coffin.
Erin...that's weird.
I hate it when the people you're talking to turn out to be people you didn't know you were talking to.
I've known teachers who are winemakers and beermeisters. I think every teacher should be allowed to have a hobby, as long as it doesn't affect their teaching. Slutgear is merely hobby wear.
Maybe I'll tell her that. Even if it IS a joke, I'm all "Bitch, you don't know me, and you're making jokes about calling my fucking JOB?"
You know not with whom you are fucking.
I think every teacher should be allowed to have a hobby, as long as it doesn't affect their teaching.
Such as for example writingbiggayharrypotterpornandpublishingitonline. For example
She emailed me back!
She was serious!
"I do'nt know you, but as a mom, I think it's important for Teachers to be of the highest morals, so I don't like to hear of teacher that are not. I think you are one of X's sisters friends, so I just thank GOD you are not a teacher in my town."
I am cracking up here. I'm FURIOUS, but cracking up. Okay, bitch, I HOPE to FUCK you're not at the wedding because I am going to go have an anger smoke and craft a wonderful reply.
Go ahead, report me.