This is the real reason I don't date; I'm afraid of what the Buffistas will call him.
Mr. LuckyPants.Cindy is now my favorite!
Who wants to see a picture of a tan Teppy, with long curly hair, in full bridesmaid-fu?Oh. I'm not the only person who needs to prove I have had a tan on occasion? Beautiful, by the way, and your hair is fabu.
I admit, I miss having that hair. But not in weather like this, hell no. But -- lookit the curls! I can't get it to do that when it's this (overly) short.My hair is like that. It's not as curly as your hair to begin with. It's somewhere between curl and a wave. But it's just weird. When it's too long, it's just wave. When it's too short (like now), it's just wave. Curls come, when it's somewhere in the middle.
I'm not sure how I feel about this interview. It's a great job, but I'm not entirely sure I'm qualified for it, and it's the kind of thing that really needs to be done by someone who knows what they're doing. And I'm not sure that's me.Hil, I read about it in your lj. If it still seems right at the interview, I hope you get it.
When are you going to write about your trip (or did I miss it)?
Raquel, I hope the doctor is sensible and gives you something to help you through your PPD.
(Yep, got to say the billyteacrush? Still very much alive and kicking. You're adorability on a stick, mate.)Fay, please stop feeding my 'shipping tendencies. These long distance 'ships never work out, and I don't have time to make all the fan art.
Re: second date. It was another nice evening - this time we just went out for coffee, and sat and talked and talked and talked for three or four hours. I enjoyed it, and he made me laugh, and he's well travelled and rather geeky and knows about stuff I don't know about, which is cool, but I'm finding myself off put by (a) the expattishness and (b) a sort of scaredness.
Fay, I've been meaning to ask, but I don't know, guess I came over either shy or lazy. When you talk about the boy's expattishness, does that mean he's still strongly identifies as a Brit (or whatever his country of origin) or that he's bitter against his country of origin?
And I find, in my old age (ha!) that I'm very comfortable in my own skin, at least in that respect. I don't dress fashionably - I dress the way I want to dress, which involves big hats, a wide array of scarves, long skirts and interesting handbags, and I really don't mind being stared at for it. I don't use textspeak when texting, I use standard spellings and punctuation. I have quite decided opinions on things. I get excited about silly things, and take unironic delight in other things which most people my age wouldn't enjoy. (Genuinely enjoy cutting out snowflakes//making Tudor Houses out of cereal boxes/discussing World War II with 7 year olds/watching 'Samurai Jack', etc etc.) Which is all good. I like where I'm at with this.You should. It is part of your appeal. And don't sell yourself short. I think your un-need of a date is particularly healthy, and you know, it probably makes you even more attractive, generally.
So I looked around for another possibility, and discovered that Deborah Conway (an Australian singer with a career going back to the early 80s) is performing on Saturday night two suburbs away. A quick call to ensure tickets were still available, and the invitation has gone outFun date, billytea! Make sure you leave some time before or after for talking to one another, so she gets to know you.
It was what you thought it was, an allegory for the whole online dating site experience.[blah blah me-cakes]
Yeah, a bit. :-) I gave her the guess, and told her if that was it, it was clever for the way it showed more of her personality and interests in an engaging way. And if it wasn't it, then it was even more clever because I hadn't worked it out yet.Did you just say, "It's an allegory for the whole online dating site experience," or did you go deeper?
Man, (continued...)