Cindy, I'm glad your mantra worked. I had a similar situation over the weekend, and it turned out to be as nice a visit I've had with my folks for years.
Also, we should scheme together to get JZ up to the North Shore. I am crafting a plan. But I need to consult Tom first.
Congrats, Susan! And way to conquest, BT!
Finally, I am freaking OUT about the explosions in London. Don't need hugs, but big huge vibes for Tim, Paul, and Sheila.
Finally, I am freaking OUT about the explosions in London. Don't need hugs, but big huge vibes for Tim, Paul, and Sheila.
Yeah. I hope everyone's ok.
Congrats, Susan! And way to conquest, BT!
Y'know, I once got a mention in the Melbourne Age (courtesy of an interview with my brother) noting that all my favourite video games seemed to involve world domination. I keep having to remind myself that the goal here is not to cut off all avenues of retreat and launch an offensive with overwhelming force. (I keep getting an image of me addressing my various generals, who just happen to be modelled on the characters from Herman's Head.)
Cindy, I loved your big, long morning post. So much so, actually, that I'm just gonna say, "What she said" and write a quickie so I can get in the shower.
Raquel, I'm glad you saw the doctor about the PPD, and I hope the meds work for you. I was on Zoloft for a long time. The side effects are minimal and it works for lots and lots of people. Good luck, you.
There are explosions in London? I must go check this out. Vibes for all loved ones in the area.
billy, did you tell Prospect Girl that you had help with the riddle from an international group of analysts?
Well. In answer to a question I pondered a couple of days ago, I've done the tally, and I have COMM'd Steph nine times.
billytea has also made my list of FAVORITES.
re: the Underground bombing in London -- I'm really hoping that Tom's friends/family and Fay's friends/family are all okay.
Raquel, I'm so glad.
Somewhere, Tom Cruise is sobbing and kicking the furniture and wailing to his alien overlords that he has failed, failed, FAILED. And that makes me glad, too.
Here's the website for my friend's wedding. It looks so damn fricking cool.
JZ, that looks so cool! You need a date? ;)
heh- great website, JZ. Also, insent to your gmail.
Raquel, I was on Prozac throughout my pregnancy and still am. No problems. I think Zoloft is even safer for breastfeeding. Go you.
JZ, in a happy coincidence, the family flea is flying into Boston on Aug. 5. I smell a big old get-together. Maybe we can wrangle Cindy out of her house, even.
The "sanctity of marriage" questionnaire on the wedding website is a hoot.