Well. In answer to a question I pondered a couple of days ago, I've done the tally, and I have COMM'd Steph nine times.
billytea has also made my list of FAVORITES.
re: the Underground bombing in London -- I'm really hoping that Tom's friends/family and Fay's friends/family are all okay.
Raquel, I'm so glad.
Somewhere, Tom Cruise is sobbing and kicking the furniture and wailing to his alien overlords that he has failed, failed, FAILED. And that makes me glad, too.
Here's the website for my friend's wedding. It looks so damn fricking cool.
JZ, that looks so cool! You need a date? ;)
heh- great website, JZ. Also, insent to your gmail.
Raquel, I was on Prozac throughout my pregnancy and still am. No problems. I think Zoloft is even safer for breastfeeding. Go you.
JZ, in a happy coincidence, the family flea is flying into Boston on Aug. 5. I smell a big old get-together. Maybe we can wrangle Cindy out of her house, even.
The "sanctity of marriage" questionnaire on the wedding website is a hoot.
Also, JZ, if you need a car while you're here, I could loan you Alice.
That's a beautiful website...and I'm loving the "sanctity of marriage" questionnaire.
Yeah, apparently Zoloft has a really low rate of showing up in breastfeeding babies. The doctor said he would leave it to my discretion whether I wanted to continue to BF or not. His words "Recent studies indicate it's safe, but the sample size is small, and long term results are unknown. Still, it's probably more accurate than earlier studies done on frogs."
OK, the DH has been Buff Diving for about 4 hours straight. I don't think he's laughed so hard in months...and since he's supposed to be writing a paper on "The Ethics of War" and Abu Ghraib, he needs it.
We've started playing a game where he'll read me a post, and I have to guess which Buffista wrote it. Nilly and billytea are the easiest to get (take that how you will), but my scores are pretty good across the board.
Echoing the safety wishes for Fay, Tim, Paul, and Sheila, and their friends and family.
CNN just updated the confirmed deaths from the London bombings as at least 40. Good lord.
40? god. It was easier to handwave when it was 2 (as the BBC STILL has on their website)