Do you feel well enough to get out of the house at all Susan? Maybe treat yourself to lunch somewhere? Waiting is hard.
Regarding the Naperville PL --
Library card? Check. Fingerprint? Really?
Citing security, Naperville libraries will make patrons prove their identities before using computers. Privacy advocates fear misuse of the data.
By James Kimberly
Tribune staff reporter
Published May 20, 2005
Before long, patrons wanting to use Naperville Public Library System computers without a hassle will have to prove their identity with a fingerprint.
The three-library system this week signed a $40,646 contract with a local company, U.S. Biometrics Corp., to install fingerprint scanners on 130 computers with Internet access or a time limit on usage.
I get a chill off that story. Because, really, who does that affect? People who can't afford computers. There's a digital divide conspiracy theory in there somewhere...
Cashmere, can't you just tell them to 1) open Excel. 2) open the file using the "open" command within the Excel program?
If I were independently wealthy, I would totally pack up the family and go work a living history museum somewhere. I've always wanted to do that. I love dressing up.
damn that's an ugly sdtory.
sending the safe from evil to fay
and credit ma to cindy
Whine. I am so very tired of writing beautifully-crafted cover letters specific to the job advertisement I'm responding to and then hearing nothing back. This crap got old a long time ago and I still hafto do it, plus try to motivate DH. Seems like there's just not enough motivation to go around here. Whine.
Fingerprints required for library access sounds just as scary as having my medical records online for all to see.
Here's a link to the story. It has a bit about the library's side of things, which basically comes down to, "we need it to protect the children." You'll probably need to visit bugmenot for a registration password.
Library card? Check. Fingerprint? Really?
Ewww....I don't like that one bit.
They are a lot of fun, Aimee. When y'all get back to the midwest, I can totally hook you up with some Michigan reenactments.
If I were independently wealthy, I would totally pack up the family and go work a living history museum somewhere.
I would love this. It combines my theatre/acting/history/education passions quite nicely. Connor Prairie (north of Indy) rocks and I would love to work there.
Will you go with us? Teach us the way?
t goes back to eBay and lusting after the dresses and hoop skirts and oh my gawd the cutelst little girl dresses
Re: required fingerprints for library access and personal records accessible to anyone means we creep closer to 1984. Soviet Amerika 1984. And not so much creep, as hurtle. This handbasket has no brakes.
Fay, and Cindy, you've gotten excellent advice here, and both of you sound as though you're dealing admirably with your individual alarming situations not of your own creation. I'm sorry for the alarming, and for both your sakes, deplore the stupid.
vw, I'm sure I've not had the chance to say so here, but I'm so thrilled about your school results and your job progress. You've worked so hard, you really deserve all the success coming your way.
I was excited to hear about the Third Bitches Tiara Exchange (which is actually the fourth exchange, since a few of us held a Slacker Exchange after the first one). Links to pretty headgear are always welcome.
Emma crawling! Kara potty-trained! Annabel walking! Owen looking so grown up! Buffista babies are the best!