Heh. Cindy shoved me over so I could read and say thank you. Nice lady.
THANK YOU! And Hec and JZ have an e-card with suitable wishes; oddly, erika was sending me the same e-card at just about the moment I was sending mine on to you, which only goes to prove - actually not sure what it proves. Something.
Anyways, happies and gratitudes to all. Back to cake and sex...
Hey Deb, Happy 51! You're looking damn good, madame.
Hmmm, I guess if I boiled her down I could create an Eau de JZ and sell it in a bottle.
I think an action figure is the best way to go. It could come with various vintage outfits!
Teeny tiny little corset strings.
Julia standing over by the hearth at our old house, just shaking her head "no" when we brought Christopher home from the hospital.
Aw, I was Julia once. {{{Julia}}}
Itty bitty little bloomers.
Ohmigod, this job is so fucking boring. I think I've read the whole internet.
I think I've read the whole internet.
Remember that funny-ass commercial where this guy is surfing the net and all of a sudden a big booming voice goes, "You have reached the end of the Internet. There is nothing more to see." Something along those lines. Hysterical.
Well, Erin, perhaps you should try reading one of the other internets.
(I'm reading the 'net too. Because I am working on a boring boring database.)
I suppose I should be working on my curriculum. But I'm not.
Oh, look, blue sky. That means the Orb is coming out. Which means the city will turn to soup.
There's ANOTHER internet?! An internet...without shrimp?
Happy birthday, Hec!
Have skipped 150 posts or so to bounce in and share with y'all the startling fact that my flatmate and I have a relationship so slashy that
our evil boss
is slashing us. To the entire assembled school. In assembly.