Aimee, use Em as an excuse. New babies are a pass for AT LEAST the first year. She's teething, or going through an anxiety phase or something.
ION, TMI alert:
being told by the gyno that the ever-increasing level of pain from fibroids I get each month would need surgery if I was 28, but it's better to "wait it out" since I'm 48? Comforting...not. At least there's no surgery in my future.
Go ahead, ask me what she said when I asked her if she was going to learn to drive...
what did she say???
(I have morbid fascination)
what did she say???
She said she'd never want to get a driver's license because then she'd have to do things alone and this meant that her husband would come home every night, and didn't I hate doing things like grocery shopping alone when I could be doing them with my hubby?
How does this sound:
B-The shower sounds like an awful lot of fun but I worry that if your guests have to pay for their spa treatments, they might not get you gifts and since the shower is supposed to be about you anyway, maybe T and I and the others plan something where we would all pamper you. Just my thoughts, love. A
Aimée, how 'bout adding some of what -t said above about not really spending time with people at the spa?
Makes my heart break a little to think that you have to figure out a way to deal with this rather than just being able to say honestly, "love ya, woman, I'll have to pass on the spa but I'll be there for your vows."
I'm trying to figure out a way to handle it because I have been, surprise surprise, kind of opinionated in a few other area of her wedding and I'm trying to tread lightly so as not to hurt her feelings again.
That sounds good, Aimee.
I'm starting to get the urge to lock Sparky's friend's wife up in a lab and do experiments on her. Strangely fascinating.
If that's so, Aimee, I might avoid mentioning what the other guests "have to" spend money on--it sounds like you're dissing her choice. Just speak for yourself and say that money is very tight right now and it sounds like a lovely weekend, however you won't go this time, but look forward to her other shower and to having her all to yourself at Burke Williams.
but I worry that if your guests have to pay for their spa treatments, they might not get you gifts and since the shower is supposed to be about you anyway
I understand you need to tread lightly. How about flipping the above a bit: "the shower is supposed to be about you, and I worry that if the guests are thinking about paying for their spa treatments they won't get you gifts and give you the attention you deserve"