As a bridesmaid? Think I'm stuck.
No way. Dude. Not everyone has $100+ to spend on someone's bridal shower. I think it's reasonable to be like, I'm sorry, I simply cannot afford it.
I may need to step away from the discussion, though, because I am really mad about this.
As a bridesmaid? Think I'm stuck.
Is this her only shower? My shallow snap judgment is that she sounds like a person who might have more than one, and that you don't need to attend this one if you attend another.
Refused All Offers of Showers Because I Didn't Think Anyone Should Have to Buy Me More Stuff
for her shower in California, she wants to invite people out to Palm Springs to the Two Bunch Palms spa
It's for her shower? And she's planning it? The bride's not supposed to throw herself a shower.
Could you suggest something less expensive to do? You're probably not the only one who would have a problem with doing something that extravagant (on top of all the other expenses associated with attending/being in a wedding).
Okay, the shower ought not to be thrown by the bride (or her immediate family) in the first place. If she is throwing it, she ought to be doing so only ***behind the scenes*** to help out people (like beloved but broke friends and bridesmaids) who wanted to throw one for her, but were broke. And the invitations should go out in the name of the friends.
She OUGHT NOT be hosting a "SHOWER" at a place where guests have to PAY for the privilege of giving her gifts. That is the work of a bridezilla. She might be a pleasant, stealthy bridezilla, but it's a bridezilla thing.
I think you are perfectly and well within the bounds to say, "That's not really a shower, if you're throwing it yourself, and people have to pay to attend. Why don't you do it as a bachelorette activity type of thing, and I'll have a small shower at my place for you and [immediate circle of friends and her mom -- like 10 people].
Then, if other people want to throw her other showers, they can, too.
Aimee, that's in serious bad taste. Miss Manners and DearAbby would be seriously appalled.
Before I read that I was going to say you should look into WIC. I know when I was working at a grocery store I know that cereal, juice, milk, formula, cheese, infant cereal, peanut butter, and I think dried beans as well.
See, that pisses me off. Being a bridesmaid should be on her budget, not yours. Suffice it to say, I'm also not down with you paying for your dress or shoes or anything.
Dress = $280.00 (she's paying for half)
Shoes = about $70.00
Joe's Tux = $175.00
Plus, toss in plane tickets, gift, etc.
Is this her only shower?
Nope. This will be shower #2 that I will be attending. I will also be at the one in Michigan.
I may need to step away from the discussion, though, because I am really mad about this.
Please don't - I need my peeps! I'm mad.
She's NOT hosting the shower - her matron of honor is. Her matron of honor is flying in from Minneapolis to do this.
So you are going?
More than likely, yeah. Because I a) have no spine when it comes to her and b) well, I'm not getting her a gift for this shower since she'll get one at her Michigan shower AND I'll prolly throw the bachlorette party so I'ma treat myself to a facial.
Skipping to say -- DUH!
I'm sorting cds to sell, and I don't know why I am getting all weepy about selling them. I have them downloaded, the music isn't gone or anything. I just feel like I'm betraying them. Poor little guys. DVDs are another story. I tried, I really did. But I picked up 'Down With Love' and Ewan was just smiling at me so rakishly from the cover, and I couldn't do it. I started to pick up 'Girl With the Pearl Earring' but really, who am I kidding.
You are brilliant! I can do this and sell my CD's! You just saved me from hocking my TV! I love you!
Now, back to Bridezilla.