I've been looking in all the wrong places for Reese's P.B. Cups other than the original. Clearly, what I should have done is scoured grocery stores or possiobly drug stores, instead of realizing when I'm standing in the checkout line at PetCo that they also have candy and looking for dark chocolate in vain.
We shall rule together, Deena. Obviously.
Dark chocolate Nestle Crunch . . . what mad genius conceived this nuclear option on my nutrition?
Joe's last deed before he left them.
My lab partner in high school physics was the daughter of the man who wrote the Nestle crunch jingle from the 80's.
The one that Faith No More covered? That I can't remember at all other than the beginning was "Creamy..."
I found mine at 7-11, which seems to be more adventurous re: candy than the supermarket is. Thought that five-pound bag of Good n Plenty is damned tempting.
Oh, excellent. And I am surrounded by a veritable cornucopia of convenience stores. Sweet.
The one that Faith No More covered?
The completely annoying: "Chocolate is scrumptious when it crunches/ that's why I love Nestle Crunch." I will never forgive her father for this or for having such a dumbass daughter 'cuz she was not my ideal of a lab partner.
Never let it be said that I can't carry a grudge.
Not the Faithe No More one. Wow, that brought back the visuals from the ad and everything.
That's some highly effective grudge carrying, I must say. So much so taht I will now carry it with you. Years from now when I hear that jingle I will damn the writer for producing a sub-par lab partner for Sparky.
My mom had a lab partner in college who jumped at the chance to partner with her because he thought she was a Ghiradelli and he'd have a chance to marry into the chocolate money. He was disappointed when he heard her last name clearly.
(edited because when I type too much for the posting box to display all at once, I forget to proofread the beginning before hitting post)
The completely annoying: "Chocolate is scrumptious
Gah, why'd you go and do that??? Now it's in my head, and I'll never get it out.
On the candy jingles theme -- you know the Almond Joy/Mounds jingle about feeling like a nut? I was readng a book called "Candyfreak" last week, and it mentioned offhand that the company hasn't actually used it in almost two decades. It's just been in all of our heads for all that time.
You wouldn't even need to call it an injury -- just say "it bothers me sometimes, so I brace it."
I like this idea too. It's simplifying without being untruithful.
It seems like the craziest thing in the world for me to do, but I've wanted to do something like this my entire life, and when the hell does this kind of chance come along?
Definitely. If it works out, you should go and have an amazing time. I agree you should get your passport info in right away in any case -- even if this falls through, the passport would be good for ten years.
On the plus side, I went to Toastmasters tonight, and rocked like a Weebl in my speech evaluation.
That's great, billytea!
Also, plan~ma to Heather and general ~ma to Faye.
The rule of thumb is that wherever you're making the cut (either for a blunt line, or adding in layers) is where you're going to draw the eye. So make sure the length is flattering your best features (cheekbones, eyes, mouth).
Did Hec just say I had a nice mouth?
t looks in mirror
I guess I'll find out how good the stylists at my local salon are when I try this. I've had such a basic cut for so long, the only real rule being to keep it below chin length, because any shorter and I look like Jay Leno through the jaw, that any reasonably competent stylist can manage it.
If I play with layers a bit when I go in later this month, at least I'll have time to grow it out before the Big Writers Conference in October if it's an utter disaster.