Hello, all. Yay for Ellie and Ellie's parents! I have had a somewhat productive, somewhat fun, somewhat restful weekend, so that's good. Highlights included: going to a local bar for 10 year reunion shenanigans, waking up with a hangover after drinking FOUR beers, looking at washers & dryers and TVs, clothes shopping, window shopping at the largest furniture store "in the country," packing, eating Indian food, sweating a lot in my third floor walkup, and going to see a MAGNIFICENT production of "Desire Under The Elms" at the ART.
Sleepy, but sweaty, and afraid that I won't be able to sleep. I *really* don't want to haul the a/c out, we're moving in less than a month, and the thing is HEAVY!
I need to get my hair cut.
Thanks, Plei. I've bookmarked those to take in next time I go for a trim.
Welcome to the world, Ellie! Be nice to your mama.
All kinds of ~ma for Fay!
I think Plei's links, and the few I clicked through from there, have convinced me that I need some shorter bits of bangs. I miss having a genius hair stylist.
I went through my closet a little today and found some things that I put aside thinking that They Would Fit Again. Turns out, they do. Weird. I now re-own a couple of pairs of capris and a skirt. It's like free clothes.
I also ditched a couple of things that I know will never fit right or would I ever like. I still need to go through my closet and clean it for real, but damn, it felt good to just take baby steps.
Why can't the weekends have another day?
Fay, loads of ~ma to you.
Not as good as *fresh* clotted cream served in tea shops in little British villages, but still very tasty.
Takes notes under "Things to eat" category.
I was happy to hear my not-spontaneous, afraid to fly mother say that going was a good idea, but when I went to see her today, I was surprised as to how intensely she wants me to go. Not even in a "Yay, you'll have so much fun!" way. She said to me, very seriously, "You NEED to do it because God knows when you'd have another chance like this- you need to grab hold." Then she handed me a check for a hundred dollars to go get my passport with. I almost started to cry.