We will still have girls' nights out and do girly things. We shall wear girly clothing, and watch girly movies where pretty boys wear eyeliner and make out with other pretty boys in leather pants. Sephoras 'round the world shall know us and welcome us with open arms and directions to the newest glitter. Never shall we find ourselves falling into that category, "women" as seen on Lifetime or The View, aged and domesticated before our time and taking on all the attendant burdens and sacrifices associated with the word, because we are GIRLS and we are PROUD.
Hee. Go, Plei!
So, I am up, and not hungover anymore. Yeah, me. I don't know what I'm doing tonight, but I know I need to go get cigs and then come back and clean a little, and definitely take a shower, as I feel little pellets of vodka still oozing out of my pores.
May have some drinks with friends later. But no vodka. A nice glass of wine sounds about my speed. And then maybe a late- night hook up, and a Mem Day party tomorrow evening -- yeah! First BBQ of the year! And then a day at the pool Sun or Monday. Hot damn, summer tan.
t scamper scamper scamper
Deena is the BESTEST! She made me a gorgeous theme for my LJ.
t /scamper scamper scamper
So, I stop at the music store, and who is there but Music Store Guy! (I hadn't seen him in months, and feared he'd moved on.)
Music Store Guy: What did you get? (I hold it up.) How did I know you'd be in for The Adventures of Pete and Pete?
Me: Because it is awesome. (At which point co-worker and Music Store Guy briefly debate the relative greatness of Pete and Pete).
And then, I'm unable to resist a brief moment of tauntyness and I slide my new Serenity keychain across the counter.
Me: Look what I saw last night.
Music Store Guy: (with appropriate freakage) How is that even possible? Was it good? (etc, etc) Can I have your keychain?
Me: No.
Music Store Guy: Why?
Me: Because it's mine.
Music Store Guy: But it could me MINE. Hey, let me look at your license picture. Wow! You are really photogenic! I mean, not that you aren't always...(mumble mumble)
Me: (Blushing and geeky) It must have been a one time thing..I'm not...really....(stutter stutter)
Music Store Guy: Shut up, it's a good picture.
Me: (Says goodbye and walks away like a doofus.)
The geekiest thing ever? This made my day.
I had a long massage after work and then ate ALL THE SUSHI IN THE WORLD. The only way I could be happier is if Ewan McGregor were feeding me chocolate. Naked.
The geekiest thing ever? This made my day.
Heh. Lilty, I share your geekiness. I picked up my comics yesterday, and while Random Employee was ringing me up, Cute Comic Book Guy said "Oh! You HAVE to see this comic! ....wait -- it's a dirty comic, is that okay?"
I say "Comics and porn? Two of my favorite things in one convenient form!"
It was a bizarre little thing about a very horny frog with a hard-on that he kept showing to other woodland animals. Funny, sure.
Is showing your cute female customer a porny comic one of the mating rituals of the tribe of the comic book geeks? Because I'm just not sure.
Did he pull your pigtails?
However, my mate E is arriving on the 6th, so even if I am still working at Evil School, you'll have company for daytime sight-seeing.
Yay! Of course, I would be sad if you were unemployed, cause that would be bad for your finances, but I'd be happy too. :)
given that you have only 36 hours before you leave, I guess it's too late to ask you to pick up a copy of the Battlestar Galatica miniseries DVD, right?
Er, yeah--cause I had to leave my car at work this afternoon, since I can't leave it on the street for three weeks. So would have to metro somewhere. Plus, wouldn't it be all...wrong region?
Judge bans divorcing couple from exposing kid to Wiccan religion which both practice
Sigh. That's so fucked up. And in my hometown, y'all!
Does this mean you went to Harvey Mudd?
Hey, my best friend's brother went to Harvey Mudd! Connections everywhere. Heh.
THose pirate miniskirts are so cute!!!
The geekiest thing ever? This made my day.
Oooh, Lilty, Music Store Guy LIKES you!!
I'm pretty sure that by being a cute female customer you're part of the mating ritual.