However, my mate E is arriving on the 6th, so even if I am still working at Evil School, you'll have company for daytime sight-seeing.
Yay! Of course, I would be sad if you were unemployed, cause that would be bad for your finances, but I'd be happy too. :)
given that you have only 36 hours before you leave, I guess it's too late to ask you to pick up a copy of the Battlestar Galatica miniseries DVD, right?
Er, yeah--cause I had to leave my car at work this afternoon, since I can't leave it on the street for three weeks. So would have to metro somewhere. Plus, wouldn't it be all...wrong region?
Judge bans divorcing couple from exposing kid to Wiccan religion which both practice
Sigh. That's so fucked up. And in my hometown, y'all!
Does this mean you went to Harvey Mudd?
Hey, my best friend's brother went to Harvey Mudd! Connections everywhere. Heh.
THose pirate miniskirts are so cute!!!
The geekiest thing ever? This made my day.
Oooh, Lilty, Music Store Guy LIKES you!!
I'm pretty sure that by being a cute female customer you're part of the mating ritual.
Is showing your cute female customer a porny comic one of the mating rituals of the tribe of the comic book geeks? Because I'm just not sure.
I think it is, actually.
Hec's opinion was also yes.
I'm pretty sure that by being a cute female customer you're part of the mating ritual.
Oooh! So the porn is just a bonus? Sweet!
Both Teppy and Lilty are being flirted with by cute retail employees.
All is good and right in the world.
Which really doesn't include anyone that's sold me comics.
My comic-book guy is cute, geeky, funny, a yellow-dog democrat, and drives the same kind of car I do.
Surely it's a match made in heaven.
My comic book guy has the worst hairpiece ever, routinely doesn't do up his fly, and has been playing THE SAME ALBUM FOR OVER A YEAR.
I must look elsewhere.
My comic-book guy is cute, geeky, funny, a yellow-dog democrat, and drives the same kind of car I do.
Surely it's a match made in heaven.
So ask him to go see Batman Begins with you, and go for coffee after.
Batman Begins on IMAX.
Note to self: See if any NYCistas want to see Batman Begins on IMAX with me the weekend after it opens, since I'll suddenly be moved there and all.
Second note to self: From now on, make your notes to self in places yourself is likely to ever read again.
has been playing THE SAME ALBUM FOR OVER A YEAR.
Oooh! And mine plays cool music, too. Sometimes weird shit, but sometimes cool.
So ask him to go see Batman Begins with you, and go for coffee after.
I am pathologically, *physically* terrified of rejection.