Hey, all.
Today has been kind of of the suck, and ok. I went out with my friend last night for drinks -- and we got wasted. Toasted, pie-eyed, hammered, you name it.
I woke up at her place with a raging hangover, and remembered barfing over her balcony last night. I NEVER get sick, and rarely have hangovers. It was the THREE SHOTS at last call that did it. Ugh.
Also? Pulling out of the parking lot, I hit a median and got a flat fucking tire at 3:15, and didn't know until we got back to my car about 45 minutes ago if I had a spare or a donut. It was a spare, but I've been freaking out about it all day. AND I had committed to picking up a friend's husband from the airport at 3 today, so after nursing out respective hangovers, S. and I did that.
However, I got a call from Nordstrom today asking me to set up a time for an interview! Woo and hoo! Cosmetic job, which would be fine for the summer, esp. since my BF works at the Clarins counter at Nordies.
I am freaking exhausted.
EDIT: Oh, and my booty call never called back. I'm not calling him again. If he's interested in my carcass, he can pick up the fucking phone and call me.
t whine
I still feel like crap. I'm up and mobile, due to lots of drugs that will need to reapply soon, but [whitefonted cuz it's gross]
I feel like my sinuses are draining into my stomach, and making me naseous,
and I am running a slight fever.
Dang it, I need to be healthy for Serenity tonight, because there ia no way I'm not going.
t /whine
Yay for pool tables, and boo for bad booty callees and flat tires.
How is everyone else?
Eat something bland (oatmeal, cereal) or fizzy (Calistoga) for your stomach, Perkins. That usually helps me when I've got stomach upset after sinus drainage. You
be coming tonight.
I always get that when my sinuses drain, Perkins. Try some saltines. If they help, bring a bunch to the theater with you.
Perkins, what David said.
My sinuses were insane when I was preggers (first symptom to vanish after popping the girl out, WOO!), and actually, a combo of Bland and Fizzy worked well.
So, I was just changing Aidan. He's gotten very good at getting diapers off while still wearing his clothes, which we haven't discovered until his pants are wet, so we switched to pull-ups (aka britches in our house), which he hasn't yet conquered. He got very upset with me when I went to put the clean ones on, total kicking screaming got away from me and started to run thing. I said, "Oh, blast it, hold still! I have to put on your...your.. britches!" Just as I said britches he shouted in a darth-vader voice of doom, "PANTIES!"
Erin, Cosmetics-ma. That'd rock.
Ugh. Even with the windows open, it's 80 in here (the house). Bit of a breeze, which is good. Still, before windows, it would have been closer to 90, so I'm blessing the things.
Lily is 6 weeks now. I'm cleared for that sex thing I've heard so much about. Right now, she's all floppy in Susan's Amby. Poor love didn't even wake up when I woke up from our afternoon nap and put her in it.
Debating attempting to wake her before we get Paul, on account of the nursing factor. May just put on a less structured bra and say fukkit.
Lily is 6 weeks now. I'm cleared for that sex thing I've heard so much about.
Heh. Do you remember how?
Lily is 6 weeks now. I'm cleared for that sex thing I've heard so much about.
Heh. The Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy says tell him 12 weeks, no matter what the doctor says.
Heh. The Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy says tell him 12 weeks, no matter what the doctor says.
Fuck that.
I'm totally goin' woo-hoo at being cleared for takeoff.
It's been AGES. Longest I've gone without since I was 17/18.
Although, yeah. Cindy, I don't think I *do* remember how...
Oh, yeah, I forgot your enforced pre-birth "vacation" from the nookie.
Have at, sistah. (However, my whitefontedepisiotomy scar just twinged.)