WHOIS lookup:
Graham Casady buzz558@clerk.com +3.8493745
Not Applicable
4740 Flintridge Dr
Colorado Springs,CO,UNITED STATES 80918
Domain Name:mexicanpopulationcontrol.com
Record last updated at 2004-11-19 05:48:18
Record created on 2004/11/19
Record expired on 2005/11/19
Domain servers in listed order:
ns3.cleverdot.com ns4.cleverdot.com
name: Graham Casady
mail: buzz558@clerk.com tel: +3.8493745
org: Not Applicable
address: 4740 Flintridge Dr
city: Colorado Springs
,province: CO
postcode: 80918
Technical Contactor:
name: Graham Casady
mail: buzz558@clerk.com tel: +3.8493745
org: Not Applicable
address: 4740 Flintridge Dr
city: Colorado Springs
,province: CO
postcode: 80918
Billing Contactor:
name: Graham Casady
mail: buzz558@clerk.com tel: +3.8493745
org: Not Applicable
address: 4740 Flintridge Dr
city: Colorado Springs
,province: CO
postcode: 80918
Registration Service Provider:
name: CleverDot.com
tel: +
fax: +
Report it somewhere Aimee. That's sick. Also, stop opening your junk mail for the sake of your sanity.
DH bought me a cane. I never expected to own such a thing at the ripe old age of 34, but it helps a lot.
You should shake it at all the young whippersnappers.
So I looked up that guy's address since I used to live in Colorado Springs. He lives near several of my friends. That's just creepy.
I love the Toasted Marshmallow Jelly Bellys (ies?) and that bin is almost always right next to a Buttered Popcorn one. I inevitably don't pay attention and end up eating one. Blech.
It looks like an office building though - don't think it's a real address. No hits for that name either.
Much ~ma to Jilli's friend.
Recovery~ma to Connie's DH.
YAY Cass!!!
Hope you're feeling better this morning. It was so wonderful to see you.
Other than the lingering humiliation, I am feeling much better. It was wonderful to see you too, vw.
Back~ma, Deena.
You should shake it at all the young whippersnappers.
You can also learn to sing "Putting on the Ritz" and do a nifty dance number.
Yay Cass!
Health-ma to Connie's DH and Jilli's friend.
I had rice noodles for dinner. They were yummy, but now I'm hungry again.
No worse than Buttered Popcorn, and that's been around for years
Just because it exists doesn't make it right. I don't approve of the jalepeño ones either.
Hi Cindy!
I had a pattie and ginger beer for dinner (but no coco bread). And thai food for lunch. And I'm having persian food for lunch tomorrow. I'm glad I live in this century, in America. The food diversity is YUMMY.
Sadly, I went out to the bar, and there was hardly anyone there. And no cuties to say "I'm leaving the country and need to make out with someone before I go, help!". Or at least, no one WORTH saying it to. Sigh. (And damnit, if that girl lived anywhere NORMAL, I could probably swing a work trip there soon and be all "Hey, I'm going to be in town...with a hotel room...". But no. Even going all the weird places I go for work, I do not go to DULUTH.)