No worse than Buttered Popcorn, and that's been around for years
Just because it exists doesn't make it right. I don't approve of the jalepeño ones either.
Hi Cindy!
I had a pattie and ginger beer for dinner (but no coco bread). And thai food for lunch. And I'm having persian food for lunch tomorrow. I'm glad I live in this century, in America. The food diversity is YUMMY.
Sadly, I went out to the bar, and there was hardly anyone there. And no cuties to say "I'm leaving the country and need to make out with someone before I go, help!". Or at least, no one WORTH saying it to. Sigh. (And damnit, if that girl lived anywhere NORMAL, I could probably swing a work trip there soon and be all "Hey, I'm going to be in town...with a hotel room...". But no. Even going all the weird places I go for work, I do not go to DULUTH.)