Whoops. Spellcheck, which should be my friend, is a seldom-contacted aquaintance.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Nikita however rationalized that Michael was indeed yummy and that her father wanted her to make babies with the man and she was a good daughter almost always listening to her father’s wishes.
Right. I think that's in the Ten Commandments somewhere. "Honor thy father and mother when they tell you to make babies with a near-stranger."
She stirred and another flood of warmth covered the parts of her body she rarely used for pleasure, and again reasoned that she should have listened to Cosmo and learned how to masturbate to her heart’s content.
I model all of my life decisions on what Cosmo tells me.
He recognized the pleasure that comes with controlling ones climax and she felt a release overtake her that would certainly sanction the debauchery to come. She was enjoying the sensations, his mouth, her fingers, his strong persona making her tingle and she gave herself permission to forget the anger and take pleasure from this gorgeous man.
His...persona made her tingle?
His legendary penis ready to do battle, hard and perfect and mesmerizing the blonde who could see it bobbing underwater to the rhythm of the air-jets. She was now facing him, her legs wrapped around his waist and she could next feel the fabled staff resting impatiently in the crack of her ass.
The legendary fabled staff! Famed in song and story!
Nikita started to touch Michael’s ‘hoo-ha’ and he stopped her since he didn’t want to think of his own pleasure until she experienced her own.
No comment.
Michael was giving her head, blowing her or eating her who cared what the vernacular was; all she knew was that it felt soooooo gooooooood and that she was glad it was this handsome man making her feel so actualized.
And then, after that, they accidentally had anal sex. I am not making this up.
Do the writers talk like this in real life? It would go a long way to explain their unfamiliarity with how sex actually works, what with any potential partners fleeing at first opportunity upon hearing them speak...
I think it is very romantic and sexy how his penis is moving in rhythm to airjets!
making her feel so actualized.
So that's what being actualized is about? I've been wondering.
Hoo-ha. I just thought it needed saying again.
They are in a spa. I think.
With my years of experience in slash, of course, I wonder where the lube is for the accidental anal sex, but such things must not matter when true love is involved.
Dude, did you hear that she was out of town? In Mississippi? Helping the HURRICANE VICTIMS?
making her feel so actualized.
I would have paid a lot more attention during Pschology 101 if Erickson or Manslow or whassisface specified there was oral sex at the end of the hierarchy of needs.
Okay, so, just now my eyes rolled back in my head and I flailed about in the universal signal of My Tits, They Have Been Got On.
I would have paid a lot more attention during Pschology 101 if Erickson or Manslow or whassisface specified there was oral sex at the end of the hierarchy of needs.
t splorfle
just now my eyes rolled back in my head
I know, right? Someone on NPR this weekend was making a joke about having to choose between rescue by Sean Penn or Geraldo. If my angel of mercy were Bad Nikita Writer, I think I might be tempted to tough it out in the flood waters.