Jo shows up with curly hair too (it's their wedding) and it's the only time the texture of their hair is mentioned.
Someone! Mention Dad! He's either dead on the OR or going through the same horrible dialysis life Dean was facing (I wouldn't put a double kidney donator (does Sam have extra??? It would explain the size. All those kidneys in his biceps) on the donatee list).
Sometimes I am one with the current tagline, sometimes I believe it's the worst thing that ever happened.
Still, it's the best thing too. LITERALLY (I have such a long line of people to kill for blatant non-literalness--I just can't work out where they live)
On the offchance anyone can help me easily: I'm looking for a fic I read once, Sherlock BBC, where Sherlock and John go to Scotland (maybe) because of an iheritance of Sherlock's. There's intrigue, mystery, kidnappings, and John being wooed by a local Scotsman and the threat of John losing Sherlock to another country. The John/OMC is pretty strong. I've tried googling Sherlock BBC fanfic inherits Scottish Castle, but end up with a lot of fics featuring werewolves, Scotland Yard, and Richard Castle crossovers.
Julie, I couldn't find anything on Ao3 fitting that description.
I'm reading such a rigourously spell-checked long fic. So almost every word is good (she slipped a Casitel in there somehow), but it's taunt and shuttered and causalities and brakes, etc. There's a spelling or capitalisation issue in just about every screen of words.
I took a break to read more Outlander, and it felt refreshing that the right words were in the right sentences.
But I need to know how the fic ends, and can't tear myself away.
Okay, I've made peace with a lot, but;
Castiel and Crowley moaned as they made-out, starting to feel hard bugles at their pants.
REALLY? That's two hellas of re-erection. At least.
starting to feel hard bugles at their pants.
This makes me think of corn chips. [link] I'm pretty sure the author doesn't want me thinking about corn chips at that juncture. If one believes in authorial intent. Which, this far at least, I do.
starting to feel hard bugles at their pants.
Do they play Taps? Or would reveille be more appropriate given the circumstances?
I'm hearing that "waa-waa-waa-waaaa" noise of futility.
I like that version better.
(cross-posted to Literary) Is there anyone out there who would be willing to beta-read a Code Name Verity fic I'm finishing up for Yuletide. Right now, I mostly need someone to help check character voices and to make sure I didn't muff any major bits of canon.