starting to feel hard bugles at their pants.
Do they play Taps? Or would reveille be more appropriate given the circumstances?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
starting to feel hard bugles at their pants.
Do they play Taps? Or would reveille be more appropriate given the circumstances?
I'm hearing that "waa-waa-waa-waaaa" noise of futility.
I like that version better.
(cross-posted to Literary) Is there anyone out there who would be willing to beta-read a Code Name Verity fic I'm finishing up for Yuletide. Right now, I mostly need someone to help check character voices and to make sure I didn't muff any major bits of canon.
Anne, if you can't find anyone, I'd be willing. I've read it reasonably recently, though I can't swear I have the voices perfectly in my memory.
The unique, funnel shape delivers a crispy corn crunch
Debet, that would be fabulous! I just want to make sure the thing (about 3k words) holds together. Is your profile addy the best way to get it to you?
That'll work, Anne
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Insent!
Just read a fabulously creepy Avengers fic (mild steve/tony) called What Lies Beneath by asktheravens. [link]
There's a sense of dread right from the beginning that never relents and gets steadily worse without going into full-on horror or losing its atmosphere.