Yes, it really, really is.
Fan Fiction II: Great story! Where's the sequel?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I'm seeing a reference to "Hotel Sex," but no link thereto.
Aha! Well, you can find it here, on Area 52: [link]
OMG! Readers of trinityofone's slash fiction must read her lj entry about the job she just applied for, RIGHT NOW!
It's here; and it's hilarious. I hope they hire her.
BTVS/Doctor Who (Eccleston season) crossover: Faith visits the TARDIS. Makes me laugh like a goon.
Oh dear Lord, I just unsuspectingly ran across Daniel Jackson/Bill Lee slashfic and got a clear mental image before I could click the close window button.
wonders who Bill Lee might be. Concludes that the answer is 'somebody not hot'.
Ther's a retired pitcher named Bill "Spaceman" Lee, but, his heyday was 1975, so I'm thinking it's not him. I mean, there are second careers after baseball, but interplanetary archaeology usually isn't on the list.
...oh, but what a fabulous piece of fic it would be.
Asgard: "If you build it, they will come."
Former Baseball player, now Archeaologist Guy: "Okay." (goes off to reassemble Stargate)
FBpnAG: "Aaaargh!"
Asgard: "Hey, I told you."
FBpnAG: "You never said they would be bleeding snake monsters that possessed people! Snake monsters bent on intergalactic domination! And apostrophe abuse!"
Asgard: (looking shifty) "...oh, didn't I? Sorry. Right. Whoops, is that the time? Must pop back home to feed the giants. Later!"